Million of years ago, there was a planet called Cybertron in the universe. But we earthmen know nothing in detail about the life forms on this strange planet. In Cybertron, life existed in the form of sentient robots which could think and feel, called Transformers. We know the transformer race contains two clans: Autobots and Decepticons. Autobots are led by Optimus Prime and they wish for peaceful co-existence. Conversely, under the command of Megatron, all of the Decepticons seek conflict and universal conquest. Their main aim is to rule the whole universe completely. Then there is the Allspark, a kind of cube which can provide great power and energy for all of the transformers to survive. Therefore, Autobots and Decepticons in history fought each other in huge comic battle for rule of a supreme power—The Allspark, which feeds the life force of transformers. After that the whole planet, Cybertron, was destroyed by war between those who worship power, the Decepticons, and those Autobots who follow peace. Afterwards, the abundant resource of Allspark was on the verge of extinction. All of the transformers started to search for it endlessly. Finally, they decided to go to the earth, because they became aware that The Allspark source could be there.
Sam is a seventeen year old boy who is studying at high school. His father promises that he would get his first car if he can get an A grade in his oral presentation. One day, Sam is talking about the story of his great grandfather in the front of the classroom. His voice sounds quite confident, but his facial expression looks a little bit nervous. He takes his glasses out of his schoolbag very quickly and people can hear the quaver in his voice:
“In the National Arctic Expedition, 1897, my great grandfather whose name was Captain Archibald Witwicky, arrived at the Arctic Ocean with his sailors.”
In fact, Sam’s presentation doesn’t entice anybody to listen to it carefully. Everyone feels bored, such as Trent who falls asleep, and Chris who is staring out the window. But only Mikaela, who is the most beautiful girl in the class, seems to listen to his speech all the time. Sam holds his glasses up and says “These are my great grandfather’s eye glasses. I can definitely say that his adventure was out of the ordinary. And they did find a strange and big ……” Suddenly the bell is ringing; Actually Sam doesn’t finish his oral presentation. However, everybody disappears quickly.
After the presentation, Sam is walking along the road quite slowly. “I probably don’t know where to go, or what to do.
“Dad won’t buy a car for me now because I only got a B-. I was looking forward to having a car for quite a long time. Why do I always have this bad luck?” Sam looks like very upset.
In fact, his family is not very rich. And he can not buy whatever he likes. Actually he has already put his advertisement to sell his great grandfather’s eye glasses on the internet a long time ago.
“Oh, still no bids. No one wants my great grandfather’s old stuff. Even if he was one of the first guys ever to reach the Arctic Circle. “
As Sam walks along the road, he keeps thinking about these unhappy things. The sky becomes dark. Suddenly, Sam feels that there is something following him. There is a police car following him when Sam looks backwards over his shoulder. And this police car suddenly transforms itself into a gigantic robot. Sam gasps in shock having never seen anything like it before.
“My god, people are not gonna believe this police car can transform into a robot! “Am I dreaming?” Sam feels terrified and starts to run as fast as he can. And this huge robot is breathing down his neck.
“Bad dream! Please let me wake up.” Sam shouted at himself while running. He tripped and went down with a bump.
The robot speaks to Sam in a deep masculine voice:” I am Barricade. Are you username hotstud 217?” Where is online auction item number 21153?
“I- I have no ….idea what you are talking about!” Sam picks himself up and runs on.
“Where are your Ancestral Artifacts?” Barricade shouts at, Sam and following in his wake. Sam keeps running extremely fast and feels thoroughly tired. Suddenly he hears an enormous crashing sound like two cars meeting head on. He felt desperate and when a yellow Camaro suddenly stops beside him. He hears a voice say: “Get in the car quickly!” But he doesn’t recognize where it comes from. He jumps in hoping to escape the robot. Nobody else was in the car except Sam. He looked behind and there was Barricade no longer a robot but transformed back to a police car smashed on the side of the road. Can I ask who and what you are? Sam and speaks to the car. “I am the Guardian of Sam Witwicky. My name is Bumblebee. Do you want to make a friend with me?” Sam relaxes and says “Oh, yeah. I really need a car.”
A few weeks later, Bumblebee and Sam have become close friends. Sam could drive this yellow Camaro everyday. And everybody knows that Sam finally gets a car. One weekend, Sam joins a party with his classmates.
“The weather is great for this party. Nice car. Sam! I like it. Even if it’s yellow,” Trent smiles and speaks to Sam.
“Yeah, right! Beautiful, but I think it is perfect!” Sam’s eyes are constantly looking at Mikaela and his voice sounds like preoccupied.
“Perfect? I don’t think so. Sam! Come and have a drink. Tell me when you bought this car?”Trent asked.
Sam and his classmates are having a party near the lake, which is calm and tranquil.
After the party, “Hey! Mikaela? It’s Sam Wtiwicky. I was wondering if you wanted…. A ride, you know?” Sam’s voice sounds so nervous.
“Well, yeah….. I guess, so, are you like new this year? Mikaela asked while she got into the car.
“No. we’ve been at the same school since first grade,” Sam answered.
The car suddenly stopped. “No, no, not now!” Sam speaks to Bumblebee. “Don’t sweat it. Sam! Right? Could just be the distributor cap. Yep, that did the trick. My dad was a serious grease monkey,” Mikaela said.
“You know the whole distributor thing?” Sam asked.
“Yeah. Anyway, thanks for the ride, I think I have to leave now! Good luck with your car” Mikaela takes her bag out of the car and leaves.
“Whatis wrong with you? My friend?” Sam kicks the car while driving.
He is angry. Too much has happened in the last few weeks and he‘s very upset that Mikaela has gone.
“We have to go to see someone now. I am sure that you will see a great leader like you have never met before! But…”Bumblebee’s voice sounded confident. “But, but what?”Sam’s voice still sounds angry.
“That girl is really hot!” Bumblebee laughed and answered.
Sam replies nothing and his eyes are staring out the window of the car. The sky became darker and darker; Sam and his car gradually disappeared in the curtain of night.
Darkness set in when Sam and Bumblebee reached a deserted car park. A red truck is coming straight towards them. And there are three cars coming after this truck. The dark night seems to be momentarily lit up by the strong lights of these cars. Sam jumps out of the yellow Camaro, squinting a little at the bright lights. This time he experienced a good deal less anxiety as he watched these cars transform themselves into the robot humanoid shapes.
“They must be super advanced robots,” Sam mutters.
Then the red truck transformed itself into a robot and walks up to Sam, looming high above him.
“I am Optimus Prime,” the robot announced.
Sam looked up at this robot and a startled look passed over his face.
“Samuel James Witwicky? Ancestor of Archibald Amundsen Witwicky, Captain of the sailing vessel Discovery?” Optimus Prime asked.
“Y-yeah. Um, you speak English, too?”Sam asked.
“We have learnt Earth’s languages through your ‘World Wide Web’ as it is called,”He answered in a deep masculine voice.
“Are you aliens?” Sam is shaking his head slowly in wonderment.
“We are Automous Robotic organisms from the planet Cybertron,”Optimus Prime said.
And while he is standing even taller, said “Now let me introduce my colleagues to you. My first lieutenant: Jazz.”
Sam recognized that this car is a Pontiac Solstice, a light grey colour. And its high-powered speakers responded very loudly: “Greeting, terrestrial adolescent humans.”
“And our weapons specialist, Ironhide,” Optimus Prime continued.
This black robot peered down at his gleaming black shape and said in an excited voice “This looks like a cool place. Are you feeling lucky to meet us here, young man?”
And then, Optimus Prime singled out the mechannoid that had morphed from of their vehicles. “Our medical officer, chief emissary to the High Council of Ancients: Rachet.”
“You can call us Autobots for short,” Rachet‘s voice sounded very calm and polite.
Finally, Optimus Prime said” And you already know Bumblebee, Guardian of Sam Wtiwicky.
“Yeah, we are brothers,” Bumblebee said and dancing like a hip hop dancer. He keeps on dancing while he is speaking with this boy.

Sam is flabbergasted and asked “why are you guys coming into our world?” Optimus Prime answers: “Because we come in search of the Allspark- a supreme power that imbues us with the gift of spark, life and hope. The life force of all transformers. We must find the Allspark before Megatron does,” Optimus Prime’s voice sounds very serious.
“Mega, Mega what? Who’s that?” Sam asked.
”We were once close friends. He is the leader of an evil enemy, named ‘Decepticons’. Megatron lost his way. It was no longer enough for him to control himself. He wanted to control everything on our planet, even the whole universe. After a battle started, the whole planet, Cybertron, was destroyed by war between those Decepticons who worship power and us who follow peace. Afterwards, the abundant resource of Allspark was on the verge of extinction,” Optimus Prime said.
“But why do you tell these stories to me? What’s the relationship with me?” Sam suddenly interrupts while Optimus Prime is talking.
“About one hundred years ago, Megatron discovered that the Allspark was in the Arctic Circle, so he came to earth, and got it. However, he was becoming frozen in the ice. Afterwards, you great grand father, Captain Archibald Witwicy, and his crew of explorers stumbled upon Megatron's body in 1897. That was an accident to entangle our fates. Megatron's navigational system was unintentionally activated by your great grandfather. And Archibald's eye glasses were imprinted with the Allspark's coordinates on earth. So we can find the Allspark depending on its coordinates,” Optimus Prime responds.
“But how did you figure out the information about my eye glasses?” Sam asked. “EBay” Prime answered.
“Only the Cube, Allspark can reanimate our race, allowing us to energize all of the Transformers. That is why Megatron desires it. If Megatron or any other Decepticons find the Allspark before us, they will use the power to transform all of machines into robots on the earth. They will build a new army, and the human race will be definitely extinguished,”Rachet‘s voice sounds so worried about the earth.
“So Samuel James Witwicky, you hold the fate of the whole human race on earth. Are the glasses still at your place?” Optimus Prime asked.
“Yes! Come with me! “Sam responds very quickly.
“Autobots-Transform-Roll out!” Prime gives an order to everybody.

Sam went home with these new robot friends. Certainly he gave his eye glasses to Optimus Prime. These Autobots promised that they will make contact with Sam before they leave. He thought to himself: “I haven’t got any bids, but I make friends with these robots. No, no, they are not only robots. They are definitely heroes. Am I a hero too? Sam is lying on his bed and let his imagination run away with these Autobots .He becomes quite emotional and so excited because he hadn’t have a chance to meet these special friends before. Later that night, Sam turns over in his bed, he heard someone knocking on the door very heavily.
“We are the government, sector 7. My name is Reggie Simmons,” A man said and showed his license to Sam’ dad.
He pushed his way into the house without any permission. And a group of men, who were all wearing black suits, the same as their boss, all enter the house. “I’ve never heard about your organization,” Sam’s dad said in a shocked way. “Never will! Where is your son? Is your son a great grand son of Captain Archibald Witwicky? Simmons asked very quickly.
“Ron (Sam’ dad), there are lots of strange guys in the yard. They are nearly destroying everything!” Sam’s mom shouted at her husband.
Now some of the men are breaking the windows. And some of them are pulling all of the flowers out of the garden. They are looking for those eye glasses and Sam.
“Why are you doing this?” Sam’s parents are asking that guy.
Simmons answers: “Your son has an important relationship with some aliens. And these aliens were attacking the U.S. military base several days ago. Someone told us that your son has ever contacted these dangerous robots directly. It is about the security of this country. That is the only reason why we came here at midnight to bother you. Hi! My lady! You had better keep calm. We have currently got loaded weapons,” Sam’s mum seems to want to beat this man up while he is talking.
“What is this?” Sam asked.
He just came out of his bedroom.
“How are you doing? Son, Is your name Sam? Simmons asked.
“Yeah!” Sam answered in a low voice.
“Oh, good, I need your son to come with us,” Simmons is holding Sam’s wrist while he is speaking to his parents.
“Sir, I am asking politely. Now you two all back off from me,” Simmons shouted at Sam’s parents, as they try to rescue their son from Simmons’s grip. “What has my son done wrong?” Sam’s dad interrupted.
“We are going to find out. Now take this young man back with us,” This man shouted to his colleagues. Finally, Sam and his parents were all arrested by these men who come from Sector 7, a secret United States government organization, directly leaded by the White House.
Sam was taken into the Sector 7 cells, and he was compelled to confess how and when he knew about these alien robots, such as Bumblebee, Optimus Prime and other Autobots. After that he stayed in a room alone for nearly 24 hours. All he could do is to wait. Sam was restless. He was really worried about his parents. In the morning of the second day, two men took Sam out of his room and brought him before Simmons.
“Hi, Kid. I think that we got some misunderstanding between us. You must be hungry? Do you want some coffee and cakes?”Simmons speaks to Sam and his voice sounds polite.
He put his left hand on Sam’s shoulder, and a smile rested on his lips. Sam is really fooled by him, especially remembering his bossy attitude at midnight.
”Get your hands off me! Where are my parents?” Sam asked without any hesitation.
“Son, listen to me carefully. People can die here. We need to know everything you know. We need to know now! “This man became serious immediately and spoke to Sam.
Sam immediately felt afraid of this man and says “Ok”. “His voice sounds very low.
“But you must agree to release my parents as soon as possible,”Sam whined.
“Come with me, we will talk about your Autobots friends,” Simmons turns around and leaves the room without a backward glance. Sam follows hard after him brooding on the idea that “They might have known everything about these robots and me.”
Sam enters into a huge underground silo with Simmons. There are some people standing there. This group of people all wears professional suits, including some leaders of the U.S army, some officers of the U.S.Secretary of Defense and some officers of Sector 7. They are all waiting here to see Sam and Simmons. Sam found that a gigantic robot is standing in the middle part of the room. It is not hard for him to recognize that this robot had been frozen for quite a long time. And this robot is absolutely bigger than Optimus Prime. The robot’s whole body is a white colour.
“Dear god, what is this?” A female officer asked.
She comes from the Department of Defense. Everyone could not take their eyes from this robot. Neither could Sam.
“What you guys are seeing here is totally ultra secret things!” Simmons says to everybody in a high voice.
“We think when he arrived in the Arctic Ocean; this robot’s omnirange was disturbed by the gravity of the earth. He crashed into the ice. It was probably a few thousands years ago. We shipped this robot here in 1934. We called it NBE-1.” Simmons continued.
“Sir, I really don’t want to interrupt you. But it’s Megatron,” Sam said. Simmons turns around and looked at Sam.
“Yeah, he is the leader of Decepticons. It’s an evil enemy. My great grand father discovered Megatron and it was from a great time in mankind.” Sam’s voice sounds very confident.
Everyone's eyes fastened on this young boy.
“You can talk about this later. Young man!”Simmons interrupts.
“Now you guys are standing in the underground silo of Hoover Dam. We built this military base for keeping these two alien things: The Robot and the Cube. Americans have learnt advance human technology from investigating this robot, things such as an MP3, CD player, car and laser,” Simmons said.
“Two things? Have you got the Allspark here?” Sam interrupted.
“What’s the Allspark?” An old gentleman asked.
He comes from The United States Secretary of Defense, too.
“Allspark is kind of a cube that reanimates the robot race, allowing them to repopulate their world. This Cube can transform human technology into an endless power. Mr NBE-1 here, Ok.Megatron. He wants to use this super power to transform every electric thing into a robot, such as mobile phones, cars, planets, and so on. That is his plan,” Sam answered earlier than Simmons because he deliberately wants to embarrass Simmons.
Simmons gives Sam a dirty look. Sam pretends not to see his eyes.
“Are you sure about that?” A man interrupts Sam again and asked.
This man is an Air Marshal of U.S Airforce army. He seems to pay more attention to this alien robot.
“Yeah. I am sure. But you guys know where the Cube is, don’t you?” Sam asked.
“Follow me!” Simmons said. Every body follows him and then move into another silo.
This silo is obviously smaller than the previous one. The Cube was put into a huge glass box. Sam found that side of this cube has different totems. The shapes of these totems look like moons and stars. Simmons starts to introduce the Cube to every one.
“The American government put the Cube here in around 1934, too. They knew it was an alien thing, because the totem on this Cube is similar to that NBE-1. President Hoover was forced to build this basement to keep these two things in a secure protection. The thickness of this wall of is equivalent to four footballs. People and aliens can not detect anything through this wall,” Simmons points to the wall while he is talking. Sam now understands why both Decepticons and Autobots want to get his great grandfather’s eye glasses. However, at the back of his mind was the vague idea that a war was about to begin.
After this, the group inspected the cube and Megatron. Sam wasn’t to be released, because Simmons and other Sector 7 workers still thought that he had direct contact with those aliens before. Currently they could not judge whether those Autobots would harm human beings, or not? So Sam was put in the guardhouse again. On the other hand, Simmons and other Sector 7 officers already know enough information about Megatron and the Cube. They didn’t need to ask anything from Sam. Also, Simmons suspects that Sam may leak these top secrets to those Autobots. So Sam has to stay in this guardhouse alone for another 24 hours.
However, Sam still believes that his friends will come to rescue him out of this place. Actually it’s really hard for Sam to pass time. He has got nothing to do. No TV, no laptop, no food and no internet. Even his room doesn’t have a bed to lie on. There is only a table, a chair, and a small window on the wall. However, Sam is left unguarded.
“What are my parents doing? Are they going home now? What about Mikaela? Can I see her again? I won’t have any chance to see her again,” Sam murmurs. He feels so upset and leans over the table. Sam fell to thinking about his seventeen years’ life. If I could get out of here, I will definitely study hard. I will help my mother do the housework without any payment. I won’t steal my dad’s money to buy those adult magazines. I will bravely tell Mikaela that I like her. I will……………………Sam’s mind gave into fatigue and he fell asleep. In Sam’s dream, he sees that Mikaela is waving at him. And she is calling his name. Sam, Sam. Sam! Sam wakes up.
” Who is there?” Sam rubs his eyes and yawned.
“Hi! Man. Here I am.” Bumblebee put his head against the window.
“How did you get here? This military base was well defended, so there was little chance of taking it by surprise? “Sam felt a quiver of excitement.
“Because I am the Guardian of Sam Wtiwicky!” Bumblebee answered while he is opening the door.
“Come out! Sam,” Bumblebee speaks in very low voice.
Bumblebee uses his laser gun to open the door without force. And he is also afraid of somebody finding him doing this. Bumblebee and Sam creep about like two ghosts. They don’t want to make any noise to attract the Sector 7 workers here. They come to the lounge. It is a safe place.
“Tell me where the Cube is, my friend,” Bumblebee asked Sam.
Suddenly, the ground is quaking under their feet. Meanwhile, the alarm is sounding.
“What’s happening? Have they spotted us? It’s impossible. There is nobody here except us,” Sam said.
“Yes! It’s impossible. Just show me the way, Sam. We’ve no time,” Bumblebee looks around answering. His voice sounds very urgent.
“Alright! Come with me!” Sam starts to run while he is speaking to Bumblebee.
Bumblebee and Sam finally get into the silo. Bumblebee quickly reaches the Cube. And he extends both his hands toward it and swivels the bottom part. As for the Cube, it has begun the process of transformation by folding itself, sides and glyphs and symbols shrinking and contracting, becoming a steadily reducing succession of concentric squares, until at last it had shrunk to something that was no bigger than a football.
“Are you playing the concentric square game? Be quick, please, my friend!” Sam said urgently.
Suddenly, both of them heard that someone is broadcasting an announcement on the military base intercom: “Everyone must assemble in the Silo 1 immediately.NBE-1 has risen from the dead now. Urgent On this occasion, it was very noisy outside. Sam heard that scurry of feet outside.
“Take it. Sam. Let’s get out of this place quickly,” Bumblebee passed the Cube to Sam while he is speaking.
Suddenly, the neighouring silo reverberated with the noise of shooting. The ground was quaking tempestuously under their feet.
“What’s NBE-1?” Bumblebee asked. “
It’s Megatron!” Sam answered.
With that Bumblebee transforms himself into the yellow Camaro as quickly as flash. “Get in the car!” Bumblebee said urgently. The car door snapped open, Sam grasps the Cube and jumps into the car.
Bumblebee and Sam immediately screeched out of the silo. After a short while, they have pull up to the entrance of Hoover Dam. Lots of sector soldiers were guarding there.
“Stop that yellow Camaro. That boy is in the car!” A sector 7 officer shouted loudly at his soldiers as Bumblebee came near the entrance of Hoover Dam. Now all of these soldiers are firing at Bumblebee and Sam. However, no one could stop our two heroes. They quickly leave the Dam and arrive at the highway.
“Are you ok, my friend? “ Sam asked.”
Yes. I’m fine. Is the Cube okay?” Bumblebee responds and asked.
“Yeah. The Cube is in my hands,” Sam responds nervously.
“Earthmen’s weapons are not able to hurt us. Don’t worry about me. Those bullets tickle me. I suspect that Megatron must be resurrected. Also, those Decepticons have been observing our movements. We must go to see Optimus Prime as soon as possible,” Bumblebee is speaking to Sam while he is driving on the road.
“How did you guys find out where the Cube is? “Sam asked.
He feels more relaxed now.
“We investigated the exact location of the Cube based on its coordinates which were imprinted in your eye glasses,” Bumblebee answered.
“Oh, OK! Where are the Autobots?” Sam asked.
“They are hiding in the city,” His new mentor replied.
“I have sent a message to Optimus Prime. We have to give the Cube to him now. He is the only Autobot who has enough ability to withstand an attack by Megatron. Otherwise we will fail the whole plan if Megatron gets the Cube before Optimus Prime does,” Bumblebee continued.
“Why didn’t Optimus Prime come to get the Cube himself?” Sam asked curiously.
“Because I’m the most handsome guy among the Autobots,” Bumblebee laughed.
“Really? My friend. Several minutes ago, you told me that Optimus Prime is the strongest Autobot,” Sam said in a funny voice because he wants to embarrass Bumblebee.
“Um! You are not at embarrassing me, my boy. To tell the truth, I’m the smallest Autobot. It’s easy for me to hide somewhere. That’s why I came to rescue you. Not somebody else. Earthmen can hardly find me, can they? Bumblebee asked.
“But you are the bravest guy who I have ever met, “Sam said.
“You will meet braver very soon. Let’s rip!” Bumblebee responds while driving himself at full speed.
In fact, what had been really happening as Sam and those other officers were conversing about the Cube; a tiny mechanical spider-shape was working its way around the perimeter of the whole military base. None of the passing workers noticed this tiny robot, named Frenzy, is the reconnaissance scout of Decepticons. He is able to transform into a mobile phone, mp3 or any other tiny electric production. As Bumblebee said, the Decepticons had been observing his movements all the time indeed. So Bumblebee did not see him or find anything out of the ordinary when Frenzy followed him into the Hoover Dam. And Frenzy found the exact location of the Megatron and perimeter of the military base. This tiny robot sent a message to all Decepticons after destroying the refrigeration system of the military base. So Megatron’s system was frozen over. Therefore, Megatron could be resurrected.
In Sector 7, those American soldiers are certainly not able to prevent Megatron’s rise from death. Megatron immediately transforms himself into a huge jet plane and flies out of the Military base. At the top of the Hoover Dam, all of the Decepticons: Blackout, Barricade, Starscream, Scorponok, Bonecrusher and Devastator, are waiting for Megatron. They had all received a message from Frenzy, their convenient little spy. Well before Sam and his parents were arrested by Simmons and his Sector 7 soldiers, Blackout and Scorponok had already attacked part of the U.S. military base in the Hoover Dam, trying to find where Megatron and the Cube were. But they were eventually repelled by the American Airforce. After their failure, Frenzy infiltrated the American Air Force and hacked again into the military database. This time he finds the map imprinted on Captain Witwicky's glasses, which his descendant Sam intends to sell on eBay for money. That’s the reason why Barricade began tracking Sam in the beginning.
Megatron transforms back into his robot humanoid shapes when he gets to the top of the Hoover Dam.
”I am glad to have been of some service, Lord Megatron,” Starscream said.
“Where is the Cube?” Megatron rumbled coolly.
“Humans and Autobots have already taken it before we got here” Starscream answered carefully bowing unctuously.
He was the Megatron's second-in-command, who led the Decepticons in his absence.
“You fail me. Starscream. Get the Cube back quickly!” Megatron sounds very angry with him.
“Where are they now, Frenzy?” Megatron is turning to Frenzy.
“My Lord, I will do a perfunctory reconnaissance of their position in a minute. I have put a tiny monitor into Bumblebee’s body,” Frenzy said.
Actually he wanted to fawn on Megatron.
“Bullshit. Get on with it, now!” Megatron was fretting with impatience.
“Yes, My lord. OK. I have spotted they are meeting in the central city right now,” Frenzy said.
“All Decepticons follow me! Let’s get the Cube back and kill off all of the Autobots!” Megatron gave a command to every Decepticon. With that, they all ttransform themselves into their original and fly up to the sky.
There was the usual traffic on the highway leading to the city, but not enough to dangerously inhibit the yellow Camaro. Inside, Sam once again always, was looking back behind them through the window. He was really worried that the Decepticons might catch up with them.
“Don’t worry, my friend. We will meet Optimus Prime soon,” Bumblebee said.
“Ok!” Sam turns his head back and answered.
Actually sweat was streaming down his face. About two or three minutes later, they arrived at a bridge. Sam could see Optimus Prime, Jazz, Ironhide and Rachet in the distance. He jumps out the car and run up to Optimus Prime. They are all waiting there for Sam and Bumblebee.
“Nice to see you again, Sam. We received the signal from Bumblebee. So we are waiting for you guys here, my dear friends,” Optimus Prime said.
“What are you going to do with this Cube?” Sam asks as he gives it to Optimus Prime.
“We have to destroy it as soon as possible. Humans can not protect the Cube,” Optimus Prime responds.
“Why are we fighting to save the human races? They are primitive and violent race,” Jazz interrupted.
“Were we so different? Humans are a young race. They have much to learn. But I still have seen goodness in them. You all know there is one way to end this war. That is to destroy the Cube. So if all of us fail, could someone insert the Cube into my chest? Would you agree to do this for me, my boy?” Optimus Prime asked.
Sam doesn’t know how to answer his question.
“Chests like mine or Megatron can destroy the Cube,” Optimus Prime continued.
“But by doing that the Cube will destroy you and itself,” Ironhide interrupted. “Sacrifice must be unavoidable. We do this because we do want to bring peace to the earth. We can’t let humans die for Megatron’s mistake. It has been an honour to have an alliance against the common enemy with you guys until now,” Optimus Prime said in very serious voice.
You may have another option, my old friend,” Megatron suddenly interrupted.
“Give the Cube to me, I can guarantee that your colleagues and earthmen will be very safe,” Megatron continued.
“I would never trust you,” Optimus Prime said, looking up and he takes a shot at Megatron as he flew over. But Megatron dodged this easily, laughing.

The battle starts. Both Jazz and Ironhide are firing at Megatron. They try their best to attack him. Optimus Prime takes this chance and passed the Cube to Sam. Sam shook his head.
“But- what am I supposed to do? I can’t ……..”Sam mumbled.
He feels so fearful now.
Optimus Prime cut him off and says: “Look at me, Sam. You are a solider now. Everybody is a solider until this is over. Get the Cube out of the city. As far away as you can. Don’t worry, my boy. Bumblebee will protect you. Otherwise, lots of people are going to die here. You need to be a brave man, Sam.”
Sam becomes strong when he hears these solemn words.
“No matter what happens, I am glad to know you and other Autobots,” Sam said.
And tears ran down from his face.
“We have to go, Sam!” Bumblebee said urgently.
Sam jumps into the car and leaves. Megatron tries to catch up with Bumblebee. Optimus Prime fell upon Megatron from his back. Both Optimus Prime and Megatron dropped from the underside of the bridge to land heavily on the pavement below. These two leaders are locked in a fight. Meanwhile, things star happening really quickly.Starscream catches up with Sam and Bumblebee. Bumblebee was taken by surprise and shot by Starscream. He is seriously injured. Bumblebee is no match for Starscream. He transforms himself into a robot shape. Thanks to Jazz who came to rescue them in time, they are able to stave off the repeated attacks by the Starscream.
“I can not protect you, Sam,” Bumblebee said in a low and urgent voice.
“You must find a building and hide yourself,” Bumblebee continued.
“I can not leave you! “Sam’s voice sounds anxious.
“Get away quickly; The Cube is the most important thing,” Bumblebee implored. Sam had nothing left to say that he had not already said with his eyes. Holding the Cube like the school football he had never been allowed to carry, he turned and ran as fast as he could.
A shadow loomed over him. It was Inonhide, providing cover. They hurried past cars that had been abandoned, past others that had been destroyed or were burning noisily. A pulse blast struck Sam’s bulky escort. The force of it blew Ironhide off his feet and into the side of a building on the far side of the street. Though Optimus Prime’s words echoed in Sam’s brain, he had no intention of stopping. Meanwhile, American airforces arrived and started to shoot at Scorponok and Bonecrusher. Rachet is fighting with Devastator. Jazz is in combat at the Starscream. Blackout and Barricade are swamped with those Sector 7 troops. Ignored by soldiers, agents, Deceptions, and Autobots alike, Sam runs into a narrow street.
“Boy, I saw you! “ Megatron said.
He shakes Optimus Prime off while he continues looking for Sam. Then out of the blue, his huge foot came down hard, only to miss Sam again.
Sam keeps on running fast.
“You are not going to get me; you are not going to get me!” Sam repeats and repeats again.
He finally gets to the roof of a building. The roof was empty, deserted, and undamaged. But his fingers fumbled with the flare, nearly dropping it.
“It’s over, give me the Cube. Boy!” Megatron said.
He gets to the roof too. Sam looks back. There was nowhere left to go. But Megatron is getting closer and closer to him. He took a look over the side, nearly vomited, and hung on to his small glowing burden.
“No, I won’t do it. I can’t jump down,” Sam murmurs.
“Give me the Cube!” Megatron offered his hand and said.
“I am never giving it to you,” Sam answered bravely.
“Is it fear or courage that controls you, young man?” Megatron asked.
He presses Sam close. Instead of pressing forward, Sam drew back step by step.
“I’ll never give you this Cube,” Sam answers.
“So stupid!” Megatron said.
He uses his huge feet slammed downward, digging into the roof. The flare flashed, once, striking the section of roof just in front of Sam. The rooftop crumbled, breaking away beneath him. Sam felt himself falling, falling, accompanied by broken statues. A figure flies up to the roof from below.
Sam closes his eyes. He thinks that he is going to die.
“I got you boy!” Optimus Prime is speaking to Sam while Sam drops onto his hand.
Sam opens his eyes; he sees that he was lying in the palm of an enormous hand. He is familiar with this red color. He looked up, and finds himself gazing into the lenses of Optimus Prime.
“Hold onto the Cube,” Optimus Prime continued.
Suddenly, Megatron plunged downward chasing Prime. They both were falling toward the street together. They crashed on the ground heavily in one piece. Optimus Prime seriously injured seems unable to move anymore.
“Sam, you have tried your best to protect the Cube. I owe you life,” Optimus Prime said.
“No sacrifice, and no victory,”Sam answered.
“If I can not defeat Megatron, you must push the Cube into my chest. I will sacrifice myself to destroy the Cube. Get behind me,” Optimus said.
“Now it’s just you and me, Prime,” Says Megatron. Megatron is speaking when he picks up himself.
Optimus Prime is fighting with Megatron together. But unfortunately, Optimus can not defeat Megatron. In fact he clearly can not fight back.
“You still fight for the weak, that’s why you lose, Prime,” Megatron is shouting at Prime.
Optimus Prime was pinned under the wreckage of Megatron. But in this extreme situation, sector 7 troops suddenly come and fire at Megatron.
“Aim the Cube at my chest. Don’t lose this chance, Sam!” Optimus yelled at Sam.
“The merging will overwhelm both power sources and destroy it!” Do it now!” Optimus thundered.
Sam hesitated, then raised the Cube and advanced on the recumbent mechanical approaching Optimus Prime’ chest.
“No! “Megatron shouted at Sam. Suddenly, the ground shook as Megatron came closer.
“It is mine. The Cube is mine,” Megatron said.
He stooped low and wanted to get the Cube from Sam. With no idea what to expect, Sam used up all his strength to slam the Cube Allspark straight at the center of the Deception’s chest. It is magic. It’s a most incredible coincidence. The blinding flash that resulted blew him backward as Megatron’s overloaded spark exploded. Megatron took a step forward, another backward, shuddered once, and fell. He died.
The battle was finally finished. Except for Starscream, Blackout, Barricade, Scorponok, Bonecrusher and Devastator all have been killed off. Starscream transforms himself into a plane and lets out a shriek of dismay, whirles, and flees. Jazz and Rachet help Bumblebee to walk to Sam and Optimus Prime. Human soldiers surround these Autobots. Optimus Prime picks himself up again from the earth.
“Thank you, all of you. You are all brave soldiers. I think that we gained a lot of new human friends!” He speaks to Autobots; Sector 7 troops, the American Airforce and Sam. His speech was greeted by loud cheers.The battle is now finished, even though it caused great damage to this city. However, the human race has recovered their peace, and hope for the future.

It was a lovely afternoon on an ordinary day. The sunshine was still very beautiful. After school, Sam and Bumblebee are waiting outside of the campus.
“Are you sure that she will come with us?” Bumblebee asked.
“Yes, I am pretty sure,” Sam responds.
“Oh, dear”! Sam gets out his car quickly because he saw Mikaela came out with some girls.
Sam walked up to Mikaela and said “Do you want a ride? I want to introduce some new friends to you,” Sam’s voice sounds still shy.
In fact, nearly every American now knows Sam. He is a famous person. Mikaela certainly knows whom she is going to meet.
“Ok, but are you sure that your car is going to no problem?” Mikaela is asking while she is getting to his car.
“Of course!” Sam answers while he is jumping into the car.
They are going up a hill.
“Your driving skill has improved a lot, Sam” Mikaela said.
Sam replies nothing. He still feels so nervous and turns on the radio. The host is broadcasting that: “From now, Mr. President has ordered the Sector 7 to be dissolved. The remains of that alien are to be disposed of in the Laurentian Abyss, 7 miles to sea bottom, deepest place in the world. The freezing temperature will squash it flat and will leave no remains.”
The yellow Camaro is driving fast along the road.
Up the hill, Optimus Prime, Jazz, Rachet and Inonhide are standing right on the crest, with the whole world as far as they can see on all sides. They are waiting for Bumblebee and Sam.
“Are we really going to leave the earth, Sir?” Jazz asked.
“As you know, although Megatron had died, Starscream run off. I am really worried about if this dangerous guy will find more Decepticons and come back to the earth,” Optimus Prime answered.
“I revised my opinion of those earthmen, I start to like here, Sir,” Jazz said.
“Me too. The longer you stay here, the more you will like this place and those brave earthmen. But we must be anxious for their safety,” Optimus Prime responded.
“Look! They are coming,” Rachet whooped.
These Autobots descried that the yellow Camaro is coming.
“Hi, guys. It’s time to say our farewell to this lovely boy,” Prime is speaking to everybody.
These Autobots go forward to meet their friends. In less than the batting of an eyelid, they arrived. Sam and Mikalea get out of the yellow Camaro. And Bumblebee transforms into his robot humanoid shape.
“Nice to see you again, Optimus Prime! May I introduce my friend to you? This is Mikaela, “Sam’s voice sounds so excited. Actually he was positively bursting to introduce his favorite girl to his robot friend.
“How are you, my boy? And Mikaela! Nice to meet you!” Prime replies.
Nice to meet you guys, too!” Mikaela said.
“Sam, with the Allspark destroyed, we can not return to our planet. But now, we have to contact with any survivors of Autobots who may be taking refuge among other planets. And we going to find the remaining Decepticons, and kill off them. We will come back, because we have a new world to call home, it is the earth,” Prime speaks to Sam. Everyone is listening to him very carefully.
“I have something to say, Sir. I want to stay with this boy,” Bumblebee interrupted.
“Yes. That is what I expect to say. Your responsibility is to contact with us if you find any clue of Decepticons in the earth and protecting this boy,” Optimus Prime responded.
“Now, Autobots-roll out” Optimus Prime gave an order to his colleagues.
With that, they all fly up to the sky, disappears. Sam waves his hand to his Autobot friends. He feels so sad.
“ I believe that you guys will back to the earth,” Sam murmurs.

“In the National Arctic Expedition, 1897, my great grandfather whose name was Captain Archibald Witwicky, arrived at the Arctic Ocean with his sailors.”
In fact, Sam’s presentation doesn’t entice anybody to listen to it carefully. Everyone feels bored, such as Trent who falls asleep, and Chris who is staring out the window. But only Mikaela, who is the most beautiful girl in the class, seems to listen to his speech all the time. Sam holds his glasses up and says “These are my great grandfather’s eye glasses. I can definitely say that his adventure was out of the ordinary. And they did find a strange and big ……” Suddenly the bell is ringing; Actually Sam doesn’t finish his oral presentation. However, everybody disappears quickly.

“Dad won’t buy a car for me now because I only got a B-. I was looking forward to having a car for quite a long time. Why do I always have this bad luck?” Sam looks like very upset.
In fact, his family is not very rich. And he can not buy whatever he likes. Actually he has already put his advertisement to sell his great grandfather’s eye glasses on the internet a long time ago.
“Oh, still no bids. No one wants my great grandfather’s old stuff. Even if he was one of the first guys ever to reach the Arctic Circle. “
As Sam walks along the road, he keeps thinking about these unhappy things. The sky becomes dark. Suddenly, Sam feels that there is something following him. There is a police car following him when Sam looks backwards over his shoulder. And this police car suddenly transforms itself into a gigantic robot. Sam gasps in shock having never seen anything like it before.
“My god, people are not gonna believe this police car can transform into a robot! “Am I dreaming?” Sam feels terrified and starts to run as fast as he can. And this huge robot is breathing down his neck.
“Bad dream! Please let me wake up.” Sam shouted at himself while running. He tripped and went down with a bump.
The robot speaks to Sam in a deep masculine voice:” I am Barricade. Are you username hotstud 217?” Where is online auction item number 21153?
“I- I have no ….idea what you are talking about!” Sam picks himself up and runs on.
“Where are your Ancestral Artifacts?” Barricade shouts at, Sam and following in his wake. Sam keeps running extremely fast and feels thoroughly tired. Suddenly he hears an enormous crashing sound like two cars meeting head on. He felt desperate and when a yellow Camaro suddenly stops beside him. He hears a voice say: “Get in the car quickly!” But he doesn’t recognize where it comes from. He jumps in hoping to escape the robot. Nobody else was in the car except Sam. He looked behind and there was Barricade no longer a robot but transformed back to a police car smashed on the side of the road. Can I ask who and what you are? Sam and speaks to the car. “I am the Guardian of Sam Witwicky. My name is Bumblebee. Do you want to make a friend with me?” Sam relaxes and says “Oh, yeah. I really need a car.”

“The weather is great for this party. Nice car. Sam! I like it. Even if it’s yellow,” Trent smiles and speaks to Sam.
“Yeah, right! Beautiful, but I think it is perfect!” Sam’s eyes are constantly looking at Mikaela and his voice sounds like preoccupied.
“Perfect? I don’t think so. Sam! Come and have a drink. Tell me when you bought this car?”Trent asked.
Sam and his classmates are having a party near the lake, which is calm and tranquil.
After the party, “Hey! Mikaela? It’s Sam Wtiwicky. I was wondering if you wanted…. A ride, you know?” Sam’s voice sounds so nervous.
“Well, yeah….. I guess, so, are you like new this year? Mikaela asked while she got into the car.
“No. we’ve been at the same school since first grade,” Sam answered.
The car suddenly stopped. “No, no, not now!” Sam speaks to Bumblebee. “Don’t sweat it. Sam! Right? Could just be the distributor cap. Yep, that did the trick. My dad was a serious grease monkey,” Mikaela said.
“You know the whole distributor thing?” Sam asked.
“Yeah. Anyway, thanks for the ride, I think I have to leave now! Good luck with your car” Mikaela takes her bag out of the car and leaves.

He is angry. Too much has happened in the last few weeks and he‘s very upset that Mikaela has gone.
“We have to go to see someone now. I am sure that you will see a great leader like you have never met before! But…”Bumblebee’s voice sounded confident. “But, but what?”Sam’s voice still sounds angry.
“That girl is really hot!” Bumblebee laughed and answered.
Sam replies nothing and his eyes are staring out the window of the car. The sky became darker and darker; Sam and his car gradually disappeared in the curtain of night.

“They must be super advanced robots,” Sam mutters.
Then the red truck transformed itself into a robot and walks up to Sam, looming high above him.
“I am Optimus Prime,” the robot announced.
Sam looked up at this robot and a startled look passed over his face.
“Samuel James Witwicky? Ancestor of Archibald Amundsen Witwicky, Captain of the sailing vessel Discovery?” Optimus Prime asked.
“Y-yeah. Um, you speak English, too?”Sam asked.
“We have learnt Earth’s languages through your ‘World Wide Web’ as it is called,”He answered in a deep masculine voice.
“Are you aliens?” Sam is shaking his head slowly in wonderment.
“We are Automous Robotic organisms from the planet Cybertron,”Optimus Prime said.
And while he is standing even taller, said “Now let me introduce my colleagues to you. My first lieutenant: Jazz.”
Sam recognized that this car is a Pontiac Solstice, a light grey colour. And its high-powered speakers responded very loudly: “Greeting, terrestrial adolescent humans.”
“And our weapons specialist, Ironhide,” Optimus Prime continued.
This black robot peered down at his gleaming black shape and said in an excited voice “This looks like a cool place. Are you feeling lucky to meet us here, young man?”
And then, Optimus Prime singled out the mechannoid that had morphed from of their vehicles. “Our medical officer, chief emissary to the High Council of Ancients: Rachet.”
“You can call us Autobots for short,” Rachet‘s voice sounded very calm and polite.
Finally, Optimus Prime said” And you already know Bumblebee, Guardian of Sam Wtiwicky.
“Yeah, we are brothers,” Bumblebee said and dancing like a hip hop dancer. He keeps on dancing while he is speaking with this boy.

Sam is flabbergasted and asked “why are you guys coming into our world?” Optimus Prime answers: “Because we come in search of the Allspark- a supreme power that imbues us with the gift of spark, life and hope. The life force of all transformers. We must find the Allspark before Megatron does,” Optimus Prime’s voice sounds very serious.
“Mega, Mega what? Who’s that?” Sam asked.
”We were once close friends. He is the leader of an evil enemy, named ‘Decepticons’. Megatron lost his way. It was no longer enough for him to control himself. He wanted to control everything on our planet, even the whole universe. After a battle started, the whole planet, Cybertron, was destroyed by war between those Decepticons who worship power and us who follow peace. Afterwards, the abundant resource of Allspark was on the verge of extinction,” Optimus Prime said.
“But why do you tell these stories to me? What’s the relationship with me?” Sam suddenly interrupts while Optimus Prime is talking.
“About one hundred years ago, Megatron discovered that the Allspark was in the Arctic Circle, so he came to earth, and got it. However, he was becoming frozen in the ice. Afterwards, you great grand father, Captain Archibald Witwicy, and his crew of explorers stumbled upon Megatron's body in 1897. That was an accident to entangle our fates. Megatron's navigational system was unintentionally activated by your great grandfather. And Archibald's eye glasses were imprinted with the Allspark's coordinates on earth. So we can find the Allspark depending on its coordinates,” Optimus Prime responds.
“But how did you figure out the information about my eye glasses?” Sam asked. “EBay” Prime answered.
“Only the Cube, Allspark can reanimate our race, allowing us to energize all of the Transformers. That is why Megatron desires it. If Megatron or any other Decepticons find the Allspark before us, they will use the power to transform all of machines into robots on the earth. They will build a new army, and the human race will be definitely extinguished,”Rachet‘s voice sounds so worried about the earth.
“So Samuel James Witwicky, you hold the fate of the whole human race on earth. Are the glasses still at your place?” Optimus Prime asked.
“Yes! Come with me! “Sam responds very quickly.
“Autobots-Transform-Roll out!” Prime gives an order to everybody.

Sam went home with these new robot friends. Certainly he gave his eye glasses to Optimus Prime. These Autobots promised that they will make contact with Sam before they leave. He thought to himself: “I haven’t got any bids, but I make friends with these robots. No, no, they are not only robots. They are definitely heroes. Am I a hero too? Sam is lying on his bed and let his imagination run away with these Autobots .He becomes quite emotional and so excited because he hadn’t have a chance to meet these special friends before. Later that night, Sam turns over in his bed, he heard someone knocking on the door very heavily.
“We are the government, sector 7. My name is Reggie Simmons,” A man said and showed his license to Sam’ dad.
He pushed his way into the house without any permission. And a group of men, who were all wearing black suits, the same as their boss, all enter the house. “I’ve never heard about your organization,” Sam’s dad said in a shocked way. “Never will! Where is your son? Is your son a great grand son of Captain Archibald Witwicky? Simmons asked very quickly.
“Ron (Sam’ dad), there are lots of strange guys in the yard. They are nearly destroying everything!” Sam’s mom shouted at her husband.
Now some of the men are breaking the windows. And some of them are pulling all of the flowers out of the garden. They are looking for those eye glasses and Sam.
“Why are you doing this?” Sam’s parents are asking that guy.
Simmons answers: “Your son has an important relationship with some aliens. And these aliens were attacking the U.S. military base several days ago. Someone told us that your son has ever contacted these dangerous robots directly. It is about the security of this country. That is the only reason why we came here at midnight to bother you. Hi! My lady! You had better keep calm. We have currently got loaded weapons,” Sam’s mum seems to want to beat this man up while he is talking.
“What is this?” Sam asked.
He just came out of his bedroom.
“How are you doing? Son, Is your name Sam? Simmons asked.
“Yeah!” Sam answered in a low voice.
“Oh, good, I need your son to come with us,” Simmons is holding Sam’s wrist while he is speaking to his parents.
“Sir, I am asking politely. Now you two all back off from me,” Simmons shouted at Sam’s parents, as they try to rescue their son from Simmons’s grip. “What has my son done wrong?” Sam’s dad interrupted.
“We are going to find out. Now take this young man back with us,” This man shouted to his colleagues. Finally, Sam and his parents were all arrested by these men who come from Sector 7, a secret United States government organization, directly leaded by the White House.
Sam was taken into the Sector 7 cells, and he was compelled to confess how and when he knew about these alien robots, such as Bumblebee, Optimus Prime and other Autobots. After that he stayed in a room alone for nearly 24 hours. All he could do is to wait. Sam was restless. He was really worried about his parents. In the morning of the second day, two men took Sam out of his room and brought him before Simmons.
“Hi, Kid. I think that we got some misunderstanding between us. You must be hungry? Do you want some coffee and cakes?”Simmons speaks to Sam and his voice sounds polite.
He put his left hand on Sam’s shoulder, and a smile rested on his lips. Sam is really fooled by him, especially remembering his bossy attitude at midnight.
”Get your hands off me! Where are my parents?” Sam asked without any hesitation.
“Son, listen to me carefully. People can die here. We need to know everything you know. We need to know now! “This man became serious immediately and spoke to Sam.
Sam immediately felt afraid of this man and says “Ok”. “His voice sounds very low.
“But you must agree to release my parents as soon as possible,”Sam whined.
“Come with me, we will talk about your Autobots friends,” Simmons turns around and leaves the room without a backward glance. Sam follows hard after him brooding on the idea that “They might have known everything about these robots and me.”
Sam enters into a huge underground silo with Simmons. There are some people standing there. This group of people all wears professional suits, including some leaders of the U.S army, some officers of the U.S.Secretary of Defense and some officers of Sector 7. They are all waiting here to see Sam and Simmons. Sam found that a gigantic robot is standing in the middle part of the room. It is not hard for him to recognize that this robot had been frozen for quite a long time. And this robot is absolutely bigger than Optimus Prime. The robot’s whole body is a white colour.
“Dear god, what is this?” A female officer asked.
She comes from the Department of Defense. Everyone could not take their eyes from this robot. Neither could Sam.
“What you guys are seeing here is totally ultra secret things!” Simmons says to everybody in a high voice.
“We think when he arrived in the Arctic Ocean; this robot’s omnirange was disturbed by the gravity of the earth. He crashed into the ice. It was probably a few thousands years ago. We shipped this robot here in 1934. We called it NBE-1.” Simmons continued.
“Sir, I really don’t want to interrupt you. But it’s Megatron,” Sam said. Simmons turns around and looked at Sam.
“Yeah, he is the leader of Decepticons. It’s an evil enemy. My great grand father discovered Megatron and it was from a great time in mankind.” Sam’s voice sounds very confident.
Everyone's eyes fastened on this young boy.
“You can talk about this later. Young man!”Simmons interrupts.
“Now you guys are standing in the underground silo of Hoover Dam. We built this military base for keeping these two alien things: The Robot and the Cube. Americans have learnt advance human technology from investigating this robot, things such as an MP3, CD player, car and laser,” Simmons said.
“Two things? Have you got the Allspark here?” Sam interrupted.
“What’s the Allspark?” An old gentleman asked.
He comes from The United States Secretary of Defense, too.
“Allspark is kind of a cube that reanimates the robot race, allowing them to repopulate their world. This Cube can transform human technology into an endless power. Mr NBE-1 here, Ok.Megatron. He wants to use this super power to transform every electric thing into a robot, such as mobile phones, cars, planets, and so on. That is his plan,” Sam answered earlier than Simmons because he deliberately wants to embarrass Simmons.
Simmons gives Sam a dirty look. Sam pretends not to see his eyes.
“Are you sure about that?” A man interrupts Sam again and asked.
This man is an Air Marshal of U.S Airforce army. He seems to pay more attention to this alien robot.
“Yeah. I am sure. But you guys know where the Cube is, don’t you?” Sam asked.
“Follow me!” Simmons said. Every body follows him and then move into another silo.
This silo is obviously smaller than the previous one. The Cube was put into a huge glass box. Sam found that side of this cube has different totems. The shapes of these totems look like moons and stars. Simmons starts to introduce the Cube to every one.
“The American government put the Cube here in around 1934, too. They knew it was an alien thing, because the totem on this Cube is similar to that NBE-1. President Hoover was forced to build this basement to keep these two things in a secure protection. The thickness of this wall of is equivalent to four footballs. People and aliens can not detect anything through this wall,” Simmons points to the wall while he is talking. Sam now understands why both Decepticons and Autobots want to get his great grandfather’s eye glasses. However, at the back of his mind was the vague idea that a war was about to begin.
After this, the group inspected the cube and Megatron. Sam wasn’t to be released, because Simmons and other Sector 7 workers still thought that he had direct contact with those aliens before. Currently they could not judge whether those Autobots would harm human beings, or not? So Sam was put in the guardhouse again. On the other hand, Simmons and other Sector 7 officers already know enough information about Megatron and the Cube. They didn’t need to ask anything from Sam. Also, Simmons suspects that Sam may leak these top secrets to those Autobots. So Sam has to stay in this guardhouse alone for another 24 hours.
However, Sam still believes that his friends will come to rescue him out of this place. Actually it’s really hard for Sam to pass time. He has got nothing to do. No TV, no laptop, no food and no internet. Even his room doesn’t have a bed to lie on. There is only a table, a chair, and a small window on the wall. However, Sam is left unguarded.
“What are my parents doing? Are they going home now? What about Mikaela? Can I see her again? I won’t have any chance to see her again,” Sam murmurs. He feels so upset and leans over the table. Sam fell to thinking about his seventeen years’ life. If I could get out of here, I will definitely study hard. I will help my mother do the housework without any payment. I won’t steal my dad’s money to buy those adult magazines. I will bravely tell Mikaela that I like her. I will……………………Sam’s mind gave into fatigue and he fell asleep. In Sam’s dream, he sees that Mikaela is waving at him. And she is calling his name. Sam, Sam. Sam! Sam wakes up.
” Who is there?” Sam rubs his eyes and yawned.
“Hi! Man. Here I am.” Bumblebee put his head against the window.
“How did you get here? This military base was well defended, so there was little chance of taking it by surprise? “Sam felt a quiver of excitement.
“Because I am the Guardian of Sam Wtiwicky!” Bumblebee answered while he is opening the door.
“Come out! Sam,” Bumblebee speaks in very low voice.
Bumblebee uses his laser gun to open the door without force. And he is also afraid of somebody finding him doing this. Bumblebee and Sam creep about like two ghosts. They don’t want to make any noise to attract the Sector 7 workers here. They come to the lounge. It is a safe place.
“Tell me where the Cube is, my friend,” Bumblebee asked Sam.
Suddenly, the ground is quaking under their feet. Meanwhile, the alarm is sounding.
“What’s happening? Have they spotted us? It’s impossible. There is nobody here except us,” Sam said.
“Yes! It’s impossible. Just show me the way, Sam. We’ve no time,” Bumblebee looks around answering. His voice sounds very urgent.
“Alright! Come with me!” Sam starts to run while he is speaking to Bumblebee.
Bumblebee and Sam finally get into the silo. Bumblebee quickly reaches the Cube. And he extends both his hands toward it and swivels the bottom part. As for the Cube, it has begun the process of transformation by folding itself, sides and glyphs and symbols shrinking and contracting, becoming a steadily reducing succession of concentric squares, until at last it had shrunk to something that was no bigger than a football.
“Are you playing the concentric square game? Be quick, please, my friend!” Sam said urgently.
Suddenly, both of them heard that someone is broadcasting an announcement on the military base intercom: “Everyone must assemble in the Silo 1 immediately.NBE-1 has risen from the dead now. Urgent On this occasion, it was very noisy outside. Sam heard that scurry of feet outside.
“Take it. Sam. Let’s get out of this place quickly,” Bumblebee passed the Cube to Sam while he is speaking.
Suddenly, the neighouring silo reverberated with the noise of shooting. The ground was quaking tempestuously under their feet.
“What’s NBE-1?” Bumblebee asked. “
It’s Megatron!” Sam answered.
With that Bumblebee transforms himself into the yellow Camaro as quickly as flash. “Get in the car!” Bumblebee said urgently. The car door snapped open, Sam grasps the Cube and jumps into the car.
Bumblebee and Sam immediately screeched out of the silo. After a short while, they have pull up to the entrance of Hoover Dam. Lots of sector soldiers were guarding there.
“Stop that yellow Camaro. That boy is in the car!” A sector 7 officer shouted loudly at his soldiers as Bumblebee came near the entrance of Hoover Dam. Now all of these soldiers are firing at Bumblebee and Sam. However, no one could stop our two heroes. They quickly leave the Dam and arrive at the highway.
“Are you ok, my friend? “ Sam asked.”
Yes. I’m fine. Is the Cube okay?” Bumblebee responds and asked.
“Yeah. The Cube is in my hands,” Sam responds nervously.
“Earthmen’s weapons are not able to hurt us. Don’t worry about me. Those bullets tickle me. I suspect that Megatron must be resurrected. Also, those Decepticons have been observing our movements. We must go to see Optimus Prime as soon as possible,” Bumblebee is speaking to Sam while he is driving on the road.
“How did you guys find out where the Cube is? “Sam asked.
He feels more relaxed now.
“We investigated the exact location of the Cube based on its coordinates which were imprinted in your eye glasses,” Bumblebee answered.
“Oh, OK! Where are the Autobots?” Sam asked.
“They are hiding in the city,” His new mentor replied.
“I have sent a message to Optimus Prime. We have to give the Cube to him now. He is the only Autobot who has enough ability to withstand an attack by Megatron. Otherwise we will fail the whole plan if Megatron gets the Cube before Optimus Prime does,” Bumblebee continued.
“Why didn’t Optimus Prime come to get the Cube himself?” Sam asked curiously.
“Because I’m the most handsome guy among the Autobots,” Bumblebee laughed.
“Really? My friend. Several minutes ago, you told me that Optimus Prime is the strongest Autobot,” Sam said in a funny voice because he wants to embarrass Bumblebee.
“Um! You are not at embarrassing me, my boy. To tell the truth, I’m the smallest Autobot. It’s easy for me to hide somewhere. That’s why I came to rescue you. Not somebody else. Earthmen can hardly find me, can they? Bumblebee asked.
“But you are the bravest guy who I have ever met, “Sam said.
“You will meet braver very soon. Let’s rip!” Bumblebee responds while driving himself at full speed.
In fact, what had been really happening as Sam and those other officers were conversing about the Cube; a tiny mechanical spider-shape was working its way around the perimeter of the whole military base. None of the passing workers noticed this tiny robot, named Frenzy, is the reconnaissance scout of Decepticons. He is able to transform into a mobile phone, mp3 or any other tiny electric production. As Bumblebee said, the Decepticons had been observing his movements all the time indeed. So Bumblebee did not see him or find anything out of the ordinary when Frenzy followed him into the Hoover Dam. And Frenzy found the exact location of the Megatron and perimeter of the military base. This tiny robot sent a message to all Decepticons after destroying the refrigeration system of the military base. So Megatron’s system was frozen over. Therefore, Megatron could be resurrected.
In Sector 7, those American soldiers are certainly not able to prevent Megatron’s rise from death. Megatron immediately transforms himself into a huge jet plane and flies out of the Military base. At the top of the Hoover Dam, all of the Decepticons: Blackout, Barricade, Starscream, Scorponok, Bonecrusher and Devastator, are waiting for Megatron. They had all received a message from Frenzy, their convenient little spy. Well before Sam and his parents were arrested by Simmons and his Sector 7 soldiers, Blackout and Scorponok had already attacked part of the U.S. military base in the Hoover Dam, trying to find where Megatron and the Cube were. But they were eventually repelled by the American Airforce. After their failure, Frenzy infiltrated the American Air Force and hacked again into the military database. This time he finds the map imprinted on Captain Witwicky's glasses, which his descendant Sam intends to sell on eBay for money. That’s the reason why Barricade began tracking Sam in the beginning.
Megatron transforms back into his robot humanoid shapes when he gets to the top of the Hoover Dam.
”I am glad to have been of some service, Lord Megatron,” Starscream said.
“Where is the Cube?” Megatron rumbled coolly.
“Humans and Autobots have already taken it before we got here” Starscream answered carefully bowing unctuously.
He was the Megatron's second-in-command, who led the Decepticons in his absence.
“You fail me. Starscream. Get the Cube back quickly!” Megatron sounds very angry with him.
“Where are they now, Frenzy?” Megatron is turning to Frenzy.
“My Lord, I will do a perfunctory reconnaissance of their position in a minute. I have put a tiny monitor into Bumblebee’s body,” Frenzy said.
Actually he wanted to fawn on Megatron.
“Bullshit. Get on with it, now!” Megatron was fretting with impatience.
“Yes, My lord. OK. I have spotted they are meeting in the central city right now,” Frenzy said.
“All Decepticons follow me! Let’s get the Cube back and kill off all of the Autobots!” Megatron gave a command to every Decepticon. With that, they all ttransform themselves into their original and fly up to the sky.
There was the usual traffic on the highway leading to the city, but not enough to dangerously inhibit the yellow Camaro. Inside, Sam once again always, was looking back behind them through the window. He was really worried that the Decepticons might catch up with them.
“Don’t worry, my friend. We will meet Optimus Prime soon,” Bumblebee said.
“Ok!” Sam turns his head back and answered.
Actually sweat was streaming down his face. About two or three minutes later, they arrived at a bridge. Sam could see Optimus Prime, Jazz, Ironhide and Rachet in the distance. He jumps out the car and run up to Optimus Prime. They are all waiting there for Sam and Bumblebee.
“Nice to see you again, Sam. We received the signal from Bumblebee. So we are waiting for you guys here, my dear friends,” Optimus Prime said.
“What are you going to do with this Cube?” Sam asks as he gives it to Optimus Prime.
“We have to destroy it as soon as possible. Humans can not protect the Cube,” Optimus Prime responds.
“Why are we fighting to save the human races? They are primitive and violent race,” Jazz interrupted.
“Were we so different? Humans are a young race. They have much to learn. But I still have seen goodness in them. You all know there is one way to end this war. That is to destroy the Cube. So if all of us fail, could someone insert the Cube into my chest? Would you agree to do this for me, my boy?” Optimus Prime asked.
Sam doesn’t know how to answer his question.
“Chests like mine or Megatron can destroy the Cube,” Optimus Prime continued.
“But by doing that the Cube will destroy you and itself,” Ironhide interrupted. “Sacrifice must be unavoidable. We do this because we do want to bring peace to the earth. We can’t let humans die for Megatron’s mistake. It has been an honour to have an alliance against the common enemy with you guys until now,” Optimus Prime said in very serious voice.
You may have another option, my old friend,” Megatron suddenly interrupted.
“Give the Cube to me, I can guarantee that your colleagues and earthmen will be very safe,” Megatron continued.
“I would never trust you,” Optimus Prime said, looking up and he takes a shot at Megatron as he flew over. But Megatron dodged this easily, laughing.

The battle starts. Both Jazz and Ironhide are firing at Megatron. They try their best to attack him. Optimus Prime takes this chance and passed the Cube to Sam. Sam shook his head.
“But- what am I supposed to do? I can’t ……..”Sam mumbled.
He feels so fearful now.
Optimus Prime cut him off and says: “Look at me, Sam. You are a solider now. Everybody is a solider until this is over. Get the Cube out of the city. As far away as you can. Don’t worry, my boy. Bumblebee will protect you. Otherwise, lots of people are going to die here. You need to be a brave man, Sam.”
Sam becomes strong when he hears these solemn words.
“No matter what happens, I am glad to know you and other Autobots,” Sam said.
And tears ran down from his face.
“We have to go, Sam!” Bumblebee said urgently.
Sam jumps into the car and leaves. Megatron tries to catch up with Bumblebee. Optimus Prime fell upon Megatron from his back. Both Optimus Prime and Megatron dropped from the underside of the bridge to land heavily on the pavement below. These two leaders are locked in a fight. Meanwhile, things star happening really quickly.Starscream catches up with Sam and Bumblebee. Bumblebee was taken by surprise and shot by Starscream. He is seriously injured. Bumblebee is no match for Starscream. He transforms himself into a robot shape. Thanks to Jazz who came to rescue them in time, they are able to stave off the repeated attacks by the Starscream.
“I can not protect you, Sam,” Bumblebee said in a low and urgent voice.
“You must find a building and hide yourself,” Bumblebee continued.
“I can not leave you! “Sam’s voice sounds anxious.
“Get away quickly; The Cube is the most important thing,” Bumblebee implored. Sam had nothing left to say that he had not already said with his eyes. Holding the Cube like the school football he had never been allowed to carry, he turned and ran as fast as he could.
A shadow loomed over him. It was Inonhide, providing cover. They hurried past cars that had been abandoned, past others that had been destroyed or were burning noisily. A pulse blast struck Sam’s bulky escort. The force of it blew Ironhide off his feet and into the side of a building on the far side of the street. Though Optimus Prime’s words echoed in Sam’s brain, he had no intention of stopping. Meanwhile, American airforces arrived and started to shoot at Scorponok and Bonecrusher. Rachet is fighting with Devastator. Jazz is in combat at the Starscream. Blackout and Barricade are swamped with those Sector 7 troops. Ignored by soldiers, agents, Deceptions, and Autobots alike, Sam runs into a narrow street.
“Boy, I saw you! “ Megatron said.
He shakes Optimus Prime off while he continues looking for Sam. Then out of the blue, his huge foot came down hard, only to miss Sam again.

“You are not going to get me; you are not going to get me!” Sam repeats and repeats again.
He finally gets to the roof of a building. The roof was empty, deserted, and undamaged. But his fingers fumbled with the flare, nearly dropping it.
“It’s over, give me the Cube. Boy!” Megatron said.
He gets to the roof too. Sam looks back. There was nowhere left to go. But Megatron is getting closer and closer to him. He took a look over the side, nearly vomited, and hung on to his small glowing burden.
“No, I won’t do it. I can’t jump down,” Sam murmurs.
“Give me the Cube!” Megatron offered his hand and said.
“I am never giving it to you,” Sam answered bravely.
“Is it fear or courage that controls you, young man?” Megatron asked.
He presses Sam close. Instead of pressing forward, Sam drew back step by step.
“I’ll never give you this Cube,” Sam answers.
“So stupid!” Megatron said.
He uses his huge feet slammed downward, digging into the roof. The flare flashed, once, striking the section of roof just in front of Sam. The rooftop crumbled, breaking away beneath him. Sam felt himself falling, falling, accompanied by broken statues. A figure flies up to the roof from below.

“I got you boy!” Optimus Prime is speaking to Sam while Sam drops onto his hand.
Sam opens his eyes; he sees that he was lying in the palm of an enormous hand. He is familiar with this red color. He looked up, and finds himself gazing into the lenses of Optimus Prime.
“Hold onto the Cube,” Optimus Prime continued.
Suddenly, Megatron plunged downward chasing Prime. They both were falling toward the street together. They crashed on the ground heavily in one piece. Optimus Prime seriously injured seems unable to move anymore.
“Sam, you have tried your best to protect the Cube. I owe you life,” Optimus Prime said.
“No sacrifice, and no victory,”Sam answered.
“If I can not defeat Megatron, you must push the Cube into my chest. I will sacrifice myself to destroy the Cube. Get behind me,” Optimus said.
“Now it’s just you and me, Prime,” Says Megatron. Megatron is speaking when he picks up himself.
Optimus Prime is fighting with Megatron together. But unfortunately, Optimus can not defeat Megatron. In fact he clearly can not fight back.
“You still fight for the weak, that’s why you lose, Prime,” Megatron is shouting at Prime.
Optimus Prime was pinned under the wreckage of Megatron. But in this extreme situation, sector 7 troops suddenly come and fire at Megatron.
“Aim the Cube at my chest. Don’t lose this chance, Sam!” Optimus yelled at Sam.
“The merging will overwhelm both power sources and destroy it!” Do it now!” Optimus thundered.
Sam hesitated, then raised the Cube and advanced on the recumbent mechanical approaching Optimus Prime’ chest.
“No! “Megatron shouted at Sam. Suddenly, the ground shook as Megatron came closer.
“It is mine. The Cube is mine,” Megatron said.
He stooped low and wanted to get the Cube from Sam. With no idea what to expect, Sam used up all his strength to slam the Cube Allspark straight at the center of the Deception’s chest. It is magic. It’s a most incredible coincidence. The blinding flash that resulted blew him backward as Megatron’s overloaded spark exploded. Megatron took a step forward, another backward, shuddered once, and fell. He died.
The battle was finally finished. Except for Starscream, Blackout, Barricade, Scorponok, Bonecrusher and Devastator all have been killed off. Starscream transforms himself into a plane and lets out a shriek of dismay, whirles, and flees. Jazz and Rachet help Bumblebee to walk to Sam and Optimus Prime. Human soldiers surround these Autobots. Optimus Prime picks himself up again from the earth.
“Thank you, all of you. You are all brave soldiers. I think that we gained a lot of new human friends!” He speaks to Autobots; Sector 7 troops, the American Airforce and Sam. His speech was greeted by loud cheers.The battle is now finished, even though it caused great damage to this city. However, the human race has recovered their peace, and hope for the future.

It was a lovely afternoon on an ordinary day. The sunshine was still very beautiful. After school, Sam and Bumblebee are waiting outside of the campus.
“Are you sure that she will come with us?” Bumblebee asked.
“Yes, I am pretty sure,” Sam responds.
“Oh, dear”! Sam gets out his car quickly because he saw Mikaela came out with some girls.
Sam walked up to Mikaela and said “Do you want a ride? I want to introduce some new friends to you,” Sam’s voice sounds still shy.
In fact, nearly every American now knows Sam. He is a famous person. Mikaela certainly knows whom she is going to meet.
“Ok, but are you sure that your car is going to no problem?” Mikaela is asking while she is getting to his car.
“Of course!” Sam answers while he is jumping into the car.
They are going up a hill.
“Your driving skill has improved a lot, Sam” Mikaela said.
Sam replies nothing. He still feels so nervous and turns on the radio. The host is broadcasting that: “From now, Mr. President has ordered the Sector 7 to be dissolved. The remains of that alien are to be disposed of in the Laurentian Abyss, 7 miles to sea bottom, deepest place in the world. The freezing temperature will squash it flat and will leave no remains.”
The yellow Camaro is driving fast along the road.

“Are we really going to leave the earth, Sir?” Jazz asked.
“As you know, although Megatron had died, Starscream run off. I am really worried about if this dangerous guy will find more Decepticons and come back to the earth,” Optimus Prime answered.
“I revised my opinion of those earthmen, I start to like here, Sir,” Jazz said.
“Me too. The longer you stay here, the more you will like this place and those brave earthmen. But we must be anxious for their safety,” Optimus Prime responded.
“Look! They are coming,” Rachet whooped.
These Autobots descried that the yellow Camaro is coming.
“Hi, guys. It’s time to say our farewell to this lovely boy,” Prime is speaking to everybody.
These Autobots go forward to meet their friends. In less than the batting of an eyelid, they arrived. Sam and Mikalea get out of the yellow Camaro. And Bumblebee transforms into his robot humanoid shape.
“Nice to see you again, Optimus Prime! May I introduce my friend to you? This is Mikaela, “Sam’s voice sounds so excited. Actually he was positively bursting to introduce his favorite girl to his robot friend.
“How are you, my boy? And Mikaela! Nice to meet you!” Prime replies.
Nice to meet you guys, too!” Mikaela said.
“Sam, with the Allspark destroyed, we can not return to our planet. But now, we have to contact with any survivors of Autobots who may be taking refuge among other planets. And we going to find the remaining Decepticons, and kill off them. We will come back, because we have a new world to call home, it is the earth,” Prime speaks to Sam. Everyone is listening to him very carefully.
“I have something to say, Sir. I want to stay with this boy,” Bumblebee interrupted.
“Yes. That is what I expect to say. Your responsibility is to contact with us if you find any clue of Decepticons in the earth and protecting this boy,” Optimus Prime responded.
“Now, Autobots-roll out” Optimus Prime gave an order to his colleagues.
With that, they all fly up to the sky, disappears. Sam waves his hand to his Autobot friends. He feels so sad.
“ I believe that you guys will back to the earth,” Sam murmurs.
Hi, Ling Huie.
Wow! You’ve written six thousand words. That’s incredible!
Anyway, I’d like to say thank you to you. The reason is, due to your fan fiction, I’m certainly changed from the idea of my prejudice against SF genre.
It was unbelievable that I couldn’t take my eyes off from this story since I’ve started to read. Because, well organized plot with the opening explanation facilitates to understand the story line. Well Done.
You are very creative and brilliant. Keep going, who knows, I’ll become a great fan of you who will be very well known SF writer in the world.
However, using many big words such as omnirange, reconnaissance scout and recumbent mechanical approaching may negatively affect the readers’ minds who generally do not want to struggle to find exact meaning of words.
In addition to this, I think if there Frenzy’s role was bit clear, the story would be more dramatic. And personally, I’d like to suggest you that the more you weight on romantic narrative of Michaela and Sam, the more interested feelings female readers get.
Wow, Daniel, I can't believe you wrote a 6000-word fanfiction! But I understand it's hard to join and mix everything together and make it in 1200 words. It's really long, I've do admit, but, like Grace said, you've done a good job. I saw you working so hard in the library; you should be proud.
In my opinion, the story is well-organised with conversation to be seen everywhere, which I think is good to catch readers attention. To be honestly, this one is much easier to understand than the previous one you posted, and the story seems to flow from the beginning to the end; I think it is because of words you carefully chose and sentences you rearranged.
Unlike Grace, I didn't feel words I don't know frustrating. Yes, I come across some of them like Grace but I ignored it and continued the reading, using the context to guess the meaning. So I'd say it varies from one reader to another, and it is your choice to change. I believe you can find another words to fit in if you want to edit it.
The last thing I want to talk about is the tenses you used. I copied from it from the story so you can read it here:
“Is it fear or courage that controls you, young man?” Megatron asked.
He presses Sam close. Instead of pressing forward, Sam drew back step by step.
“I’ll never give you this Cube,” Sam answers.
“So stupid!” Megatron said.
There are mistakes about tenses to be seen quite often throughout the story which you might want to recheck and change them.
huh? I thought I saw Pear Jin's insightful comment here yesterday, where is it?
Sorry, guys. I got some problems with my computers now. That’s why I post my comments unsuccessful several times .
Hello! Grace and Jean:
Thanks a lot for commenting on my work. Because Pear Jin spoke dirty word to my fanfiction, I deleted her comments. I have to do this, because I was subjected to indignity and humiliation. Her manner of frivolity and some rude remarks really hurt me. I spend two weeks on this assignment and did the proof reading more than six times. She didn’t respect my work, that’s her option. But she should respect my dignity. This is a basic manner she should starts to know from now on.
I am politely to say that I would like to accept any opinion, including sharp criticism and praise. Nobody will refuse the correct commenting in a polite and kind manner. Likewise Jean correct some of my grammar mistakes, I re-read my words and check it. Ok, enough, Jean, I just answer want to answer your question why I deleted her comments.
Ok. Jean and Grace. I am sorry to rely to you guys comments late. Honestly, I am busy with doing with my final essay. I saw you guys comments yesterday. Thanks again. Now I would like to share some of my experiences and feelings with you two.
I created new and interesting storylines and designed the characters’ conversations. It is not hard for you guys to find those new points in my fanfiction. In the movie, Bumblebee is not able to talk anything. However, in my story, I let him to talk and make lots of jokes with Sam all the time. He is very talkative. And they became close friends and keep no secrets each other. I aimed to make this character looks like more humour and wise. Meanwhile, the most important point is that Bumblebee is the mentor who direct Sam start his ‘adventure’ in my story. In fact, each Autobot should be viewed as Sam’s mentor. Because Sam was helped and encouraged a lot by Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Rachet and other Autobot. For example, Sam felt so fearful when he had to take the Cube out of the city as far as can. It’s dangerous situation. Optimus Prime encouraged him to be a brave man. Because Vogler (1996) states that when hero feels so fearful, he may wants to give up. So mentor accompanies with the hero, encouraging and protecting (Vogler, 1996). Another excellent example is that Sam was put in the guardhouse for quite a long time. Actually Sam felt hopeless and helpless, because he would be stayed in Section 7 forever. Finally, his mentor, Bumblebee came to rescue him, because “mentor saves the hero in the most critical moment” (Vogler, 1996).
Another point is about the end of my story. Sam and Bumblebee were waiting for Mikaela outside of their Campus. And Autobots say their farewell to Sam. I just want to express that Sam will go back to his normal life; such as go back to school, stay with his parents. That’s a normally seventeen years boy’s story. Sam will do this I think. Hopefully you guys will have a break. Again, Thanks a lot for your guys’ attention on my story. Thank you.
oh, Daniel, i think there's a great misunderstanding around here. i've read pear jin's comment since yesterday and i didn't see anything particularly rude in it. by the way you posted your latest comment, people will think she has said something terribly bad (i would have surely thought so if i hadn't read it myself) because you said "because I was subjected to indignity and humiliation. Her manner of frivolity and some rude remarks". these words have very strong meanings and can lead to misunderstanding, especially when they don't have the original one to read and judge by themselves.
But, fortunately, i happened to save her comment before you had deleted it. you know, accidents can always happen so i save it just in case. and i think i'd better put it here, hope you don't mind :) as i said, i'm really sure she didn't mean to be extremely rude like you claimed. i haven't asked pear jin, though. but i think she'll be fine cuz if i were here, i wouldn't be so happy if my comment were deleted, my intention misinterpreted, and i didn't even have my words here to say 'i didn't mean that!'
Hello Daniel,
6000 words! But then again, who am I to exclaim any other people's fanfiction is too long? lol.
Erm, okay. Please don't take any offence but I am not trying to flame. But, to my understanding, this is suppose to be a fanfiction..and it just seems to me that you had just re-written the story of Transformer into a shorter length?
I was expecting some sort of twist at the end of story, but it is exactly the same as the movie version.
So, um, maybe you didn't quite get the idea of fanfiction right? I don't know. (Perhaps you can point out the parts you've changed to me that I am unaware of?)
Also, I find that your grammar is quite patchy throughout the fiction. Some parts are flawless but some aren't that great? Of course, I am not one to judge on grammar because I am not exactly that great in it.
Anyhow, 6000 words!! That is hell lot of efforts. You should pat yourself on the back. :D
well, daniel, i've read your own comment before you deleted it last night too. you said "I don’t know how come you write the dirty word “hell” in your comments. It is rude." i just wanna say that it looks more like a compliment to me. i myself say hell to, sometimes, both in good and bad meanings, like 'hell, WTF is that!?' or 'he's so hell handsome!'
and i think you went to far, in your deleted comment, when you said "You didn’t respect my work, that’s your option. But please respect my dignity. Please do not speak dirty word here.This is the basic manner you should know from now." i would be hurt if i were her.
when i commented on grace's fanfic, i said it directly cuz i saw something i thought she could improve, and cuz i consider her my friend. grace and pear jin also said that they didn't understand the last part of my fanfic. it confused them. i edited my fanfic and heartfelt thanked them for being so nice that they told me frankly.
you yourself state in your latest post that "I would like to accept any opinion, including sharp criticism and praise." so i hope you don't delete this comment. if there's something you don't like, you can talk or argue with her, or me, here. i think it's better than using the power you have deleting any comment that you think shouldn't appear.
right now, in our group, we're not close friends but we've to comment each other's fanfic; that's why we're a bit polite. but if you, as an admin, deleted some comments and proclaimed it was rude. i think i would have been super polite (especially if i didn't see how rude was that rude, so i'd have to be super-super carefully polite) and given you only a praise i thought you wanted to hear, or worse i'd have freaked out and said nothing at all.
moreover, honestly i read your fanfic and gave you comment bcuz it's for my grade, but pear jin is not one of our group members, she doesn't necessarily have to be here and read a 6000-word fanfic. but she did read it and did give you a comment. there must be a reason she did it (no offense, but i'm sure it wasn't an act of frivolity as you claimed) whatever that reason is, i am sure it's better than mine. she also read and commented my fanfic and grace's, without having to, and i think that was so nice of her.
i've just met an awesome writer yesterday and he told me something very important: you're like a tree. when you are growing, you need the sunlight. it might be hot but you're become beautiful eventually. if you only hide in the shadow, refusing the sun, saying it's too hot for you, you'll never grow.
of course, he didn't say it exactly like this; i changed it a little to adapt to the situation, but the principle is the same. hope you're not furious to see her comment back here, plus my long explaining words.
and please don't be cross at pear jin as she doesn't know i'm posting this. (i don't think you'll think that way but just in case cuz people might think like that sometimes) it's all because my star sign is libra, and you've just met the frigging libra with a justice scale drawn on her face hehe. i've read things from both sides, and i think it's not really fair for her, so i act according to that.
You have done such wondeful work, i can't believe you have wirrten this six thousand word long stroy.
After spending 30 mins on reading your stroy, i have some comments,
1, you stroy is easy to understand, follow and good organised although you have used some difficult words thay i do not know.
2. i agree with grace's point, which you should weight more on romantic narrative to attract female student.
OK.Jean.Now, I would like to say three points here:
1.In our pop genre class,everyone have free right to post any comment here. But we should respect each other in a polite manner, right?
2.I am apologzing for delete Pear Jin's comments. Because I was really angry with the word "hell" as she said. You know when people was really angry, they are not able to keep calm.Maybe for you, or for her is not rude.However, for me , is really rude.I word so hard. No excuse for she to say "hell" to me.
3.Hopefully everyone have a happy holiday!
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