Sunday, September 30, 2007
Fan-Fiction (Peter vs. Sylar)

In the end of season one, there is a big war between Peter and Sylar.
Fan-fiction (starting at a conversation)
Peter was blacked out on the street at one night, he saw Mr. Bennet when he was awake. Then, he asked Mr Bennet :”How did you find me?”
Mr Bennet said:”I told you. We have a tracking system.”
Then, They went to the Kirby Plaza Building, New York City and look for Sylar, they were standing at the middle of the Kirby Plaza, suddenly, Sylar appeared behind Mr. Bennet, Sylar used his mind-control power to put Mr. Bennet on the wall, then, he asked Peter:”What took you so long? Haven’t I killed you before?”
Peter said:”Didn’t take.” Sylar smiled and raised up his left hand pointing at Peter’s neck, and lift him up in the air with his mind-control power again. He said to Peter:”You think I’m gonna let you ruin it all? Take all the glory? ” At the meantime, Matt Parkman came out from a building and shot at Sylar five times, but Sylar immediately raised up his right hand and stop all five bullets in the air and bounced them back into Matt Parkman’s body. And then, he used this power to grab himself a piece of metal from the street and hit at Peter, he said to Peter:”Did you really think you could stop me?” Meanwhile, Niki Sanders came to Sylar’s back, she took his weapon and hit him down. After that, her son yell:”Mom, Dad needs your help!” Peter stood up and told her:”Go back to your family. I’ve got this.” Peter was very angry, he went straight to Sylar and punched him on his face a couple of times. But, just in one second, Peter found that both of his hands were shining, he said:”Oh! Wait, no! No!” Then, Sylar stood up and said to him:”Turns out you’re the villain, Peter. I’m the hero.” Peter did not do anything except calming himself down. Suddenly, Hiro Nakamura turned up in front of Sylar using his space-travelling power, he ran close to Sylar and used his sword to penetrate into Sylar’s body. And then, Sylar fell down on the street. Peter said to Hiro:”You can stop this.”
Hiro asked:”How?”
Peter said:”I need you to kill me.” Suddenly, Sylar moved his fingers, used his mind-control power to put Hiro on the wall to kill him before he killed Peter. Hiro, in order to save himself, he closed his eyes, used his own power to disappear himself before he hit on the wall. Everybody was looking at Peter, and Peter was trying his best to calm himself down. At this time, Claire got there, she took her father’s gun pointing at Peter. Peter said to her:”Do it. You are the only one Claire.” Claire said:”Tell me there’s another way, please.”
Peter said:”Shoot me. There is no other way.” Suddenly, Peter’s brother flew there, he said to Claire:”Yes, There is, Claire. The future isn’t written in stone.”
Peter said to Nathan:”I took his power, Nathan. I can’t control it. I can’t do anything.”
Nathan said to Peter:”I’m not leaving you, Peter. There’s another way to end this, and you know it.”
Peter said:”I can’t let you die.”
Nathan siad:”And I can’t let everyone else. You saved the cheerleader, so we could save the world.”
Peter said:”I love you, Nathan.”
Nathan said:”I love you too. You ready?” Then, Nathan went to hug Peter and flew into the sky. Everyone was looking up at the sky, they saw a big explosion, like a nuclear bomb. Everyone was crying, finally, the police arrived. And Sylar was gone, he escaped from the cloaca.
Aside: We dream of hope. We dream of change. Of fire, of love, of death. And then it happens. The dream becomes real. And the answer to this quest, this need to solve life’s mysteries finally shows itself. Like the glowing light of a new dawn. So much struggle for meaning, for purpose. And in the end, we find it only in each other. Our shared experience of the fantastic. And the mundane. The simple human need to find a kindred. To connect. And to know in our hearts, that we are not alone.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
In the season one, I think Peter and Sylar are the major actors. Before my fan-fiction, there are some backgrounds should be knew. (information from website http://heroeswiki.com)
Peter Petrelli is a former home hospice nurse from New York City. His brother Nathan and mother Angela also live there. Peter discovers he has the ability to mimic the superpowers of others.
Much mystery surrounded Peter's status and powers, or lack thereof, early in the series. While every main character was said outright to have a power in press releases, Peter was simply billed as "trying to convince his brother he can fly". Later, after his brother flew, Peter himself displayed the ability to levitate not long afterward (Don't Look Back). Peter is actually an empathic mimic who duplicates the powers of others. His crude levitation sketch shows that he gained Isaac's ability to draw the future, but without needing to be induced by drugs (Don't Look Back). Later, Peter visits Isaac and finishes Isaac's painting without the aid of heroin or any other drug (Hiros).
Early on, Peter's duplicated powers typically only lasted while the person he was mimicking was nearby. He was unable to fly when not in the presence of Nathan, and he became visible when Claude walked away from him, but he was still able to use Isaac's precognition the day after he met him (Don't Look Back). In Distractions, he duplicated Claire's power of regeneration, even though he had not been near her for weeks; this was the first time he ever consciously "recalled" a mimicked power.
While Peter's crude stick figure drawings originally seemed to indicate that he could duplicate only someone's powers, and not their skills, the painting he completed at Isaac's studio seems fairly well done (though not of the same style). This could indicate that his ability is maturing and developing, much like the others with powers.
Powers Mimicked
Peter can duplicate the powers of others; after he has acquired the power, he does not need to be in the person's presence. To date, Peter has conclusively duplicated the powers of: Flight from Nathan Petrelli. (Genesis, Don't Look Back, Unexpected); Precognition from Isaac Mendez. (Don't Look Back, Hiros, Distractions, The Hard Part); Rapid cell regeneration from Claire Bennet. (Homecoming, Distractions, .07%, Lizards, Kindred); Telepathy from Matt Parkman. (Fallout, Distractions, Landslide, How to Stop an Exploding Man, Kindred, Petrified Lightning); Invisibility from Claude. (Godsend, The Fix, Distractions, Unexpected, Parasite, .07%, Landslide, How to Stop an Exploding Man); Telekinesis from Sylar. (Unexpected, .07%, Lizards, Kindred)
Space/Time manipulation from Future Hiro. (Unexpected); Peter appeared to be immune to Future Hiro's effects. Peter was able to communicate with Future Hiro and is at this point the only person Future Hiro has visited and spoken to. Whether this was Peter's or Hiro's doing is unclear.
Peter slowed and then stopped time when attacked with taser darts.
Induced radioactivity from Ted Sprague. (The Hard Part, Landslide, How to Stop an Exploding Man)
Enhanced strength from Niki Sanders. (How to Stop an Exploding Man, Lizards)
Electromagnetism from an unknown source. (Four Months Later, Lizards, Petrified Lightning)
Phasing from D.L. Hawkins. (Lizards)
Powers Exposed
Other evolved humans have been within Peter's proximity, exposing him to their abilities. These abilities Peter has not yet exhibited: Persuasion (from Eden in Collision); Intuitive aptitude (from Sylar in Homecoming); Cryokinesis (from Sylar in Homecoming); Enhanced memory (from Sylar in Homecoming); Mental manipulation (from the Haitian in Unexpected); Liquefaction (from Sylar in Parasite); Enhanced hearing (from Sylar in Parasite); Clairvoyance (from Molly in How to Stop an Exploding Man);Technopathy (from Micah in How to Stop an Exploding Man)
There are some memorable Quotes from Peter:
"I've been up here all night thinking about this, thinking about my destiny." "What are you doing, Pete?" "It's my turn to be somebody now, Nathan!" - Peter, Nathan (Genesis)
"Saving you ...did I save the world?" "I don't know, I'm just a cheerleader." - Peter, Claire (Homecoming)
"Charles Darwin bred pigeons when he was working out his theory of evolution—married up various permutations to get maximum potential." "What do you mean by that, 'maximum potential'?" "I think he meant you, friend." - Claude, Peter (Unexpected)
"Haven't I killed you before?" "Didn't take." - Sylar, Peter (How to Stop an Exploding Man)
Sylar is a serial killer who sometimes removes the brains of his victims, primarily those he believes to be evolved humans.
Powers: Sylar's original power is intuitive aptitude — a superhuman ability to determine exactly how things work. Sylar appears to have used his innate power to discover how to take the superpowers of other evolved humans. The exact mechanism by which Sylar gains these powers is not at present known; however, he believes that Chandra Suresh is correct that the abilities are based in the brain, and several of Sylar's victims have had their skulls opened and brains removed.
Acquired Powers: Sylar has acquired a number of powers. In order: Telekinesis from Brian Davis. (Six Months Ago); Cryokinesis from an unknown victim. (First seen in Don't Look Back); Enhanced memory from Charlie Andrews. (Seven Minutes to Midnight); Liquefaction from Zane Taylor. (Run!); Enhanced hearing from Dale Smither. (Unexpected); Precognition from Isaac Mendez. (.07%); Induced radioactivity from Ted Sprague. (Landslide)
There are some Memorable Quotes from Sylar: "When I was a kid ... I used to wish some stranger would come and tell me my family wasn't really my family. They weren't bad people, they were just ... insignificant. And I wanted to be different. Special. I wanted to change. A new name, a new life. The watchmaker's son ... became a watchmaker. It is so futile. And I wanted to be ... important." - Sylar (to Chandra Suresh) (Six Months Ago)
"That sound in your heart, what is it?" "Murder." - Dale, Sylar (Unexpected)
"This is usually the part when people start screaming." - Sylar (to Isaac) (.07%)
"Mom — Mom, don't. Don't, it's just... maybe I don't have to be special. That's okay to just be a normal watchmaker. Can't you just tell me that's enough?" - Sylar (to Virginia) (The Hard Part)
"You? How are you gonna help? You going to make me some more eggs?!" -Sylar (to Candice) (Kindred)
Peter Petrelli is a former home hospice nurse from New York City. His brother Nathan and mother Angela also live there. Peter discovers he has the ability to mimic the superpowers of others.
Much mystery surrounded Peter's status and powers, or lack thereof, early in the series. While every main character was said outright to have a power in press releases, Peter was simply billed as "trying to convince his brother he can fly". Later, after his brother flew, Peter himself displayed the ability to levitate not long afterward (Don't Look Back). Peter is actually an empathic mimic who duplicates the powers of others. His crude levitation sketch shows that he gained Isaac's ability to draw the future, but without needing to be induced by drugs (Don't Look Back). Later, Peter visits Isaac and finishes Isaac's painting without the aid of heroin or any other drug (Hiros).
Early on, Peter's duplicated powers typically only lasted while the person he was mimicking was nearby. He was unable to fly when not in the presence of Nathan, and he became visible when Claude walked away from him, but he was still able to use Isaac's precognition the day after he met him (Don't Look Back). In Distractions, he duplicated Claire's power of regeneration, even though he had not been near her for weeks; this was the first time he ever consciously "recalled" a mimicked power.
While Peter's crude stick figure drawings originally seemed to indicate that he could duplicate only someone's powers, and not their skills, the painting he completed at Isaac's studio seems fairly well done (though not of the same style). This could indicate that his ability is maturing and developing, much like the others with powers.
Powers Mimicked
Peter can duplicate the powers of others; after he has acquired the power, he does not need to be in the person's presence. To date, Peter has conclusively duplicated the powers of: Flight from Nathan Petrelli. (Genesis, Don't Look Back, Unexpected); Precognition from Isaac Mendez. (Don't Look Back, Hiros, Distractions, The Hard Part); Rapid cell regeneration from Claire Bennet. (Homecoming, Distractions, .07%, Lizards, Kindred); Telepathy from Matt Parkman. (Fallout, Distractions, Landslide, How to Stop an Exploding Man, Kindred, Petrified Lightning); Invisibility from Claude. (Godsend, The Fix, Distractions, Unexpected, Parasite, .07%, Landslide, How to Stop an Exploding Man); Telekinesis from Sylar. (Unexpected, .07%, Lizards, Kindred)
Space/Time manipulation from Future Hiro. (Unexpected); Peter appeared to be immune to Future Hiro's effects. Peter was able to communicate with Future Hiro and is at this point the only person Future Hiro has visited and spoken to. Whether this was Peter's or Hiro's doing is unclear.
Peter slowed and then stopped time when attacked with taser darts.
Induced radioactivity from Ted Sprague. (The Hard Part, Landslide, How to Stop an Exploding Man)
Enhanced strength from Niki Sanders. (How to Stop an Exploding Man, Lizards)
Electromagnetism from an unknown source. (Four Months Later, Lizards, Petrified Lightning)
Phasing from D.L. Hawkins. (Lizards)
Powers Exposed
Other evolved humans have been within Peter's proximity, exposing him to their abilities. These abilities Peter has not yet exhibited: Persuasion (from Eden in Collision); Intuitive aptitude (from Sylar in Homecoming); Cryokinesis (from Sylar in Homecoming); Enhanced memory (from Sylar in Homecoming); Mental manipulation (from the Haitian in Unexpected); Liquefaction (from Sylar in Parasite); Enhanced hearing (from Sylar in Parasite); Clairvoyance (from Molly in How to Stop an Exploding Man);Technopathy (from Micah in How to Stop an Exploding Man)
There are some memorable Quotes from Peter:
"I've been up here all night thinking about this, thinking about my destiny." "What are you doing, Pete?" "It's my turn to be somebody now, Nathan!" - Peter, Nathan (Genesis)
"Saving you ...did I save the world?" "I don't know, I'm just a cheerleader." - Peter, Claire (Homecoming)
"Charles Darwin bred pigeons when he was working out his theory of evolution—married up various permutations to get maximum potential." "What do you mean by that, 'maximum potential'?" "I think he meant you, friend." - Claude, Peter (Unexpected)
"Haven't I killed you before?" "Didn't take." - Sylar, Peter (How to Stop an Exploding Man)
Sylar is a serial killer who sometimes removes the brains of his victims, primarily those he believes to be evolved humans.
Powers: Sylar's original power is intuitive aptitude — a superhuman ability to determine exactly how things work. Sylar appears to have used his innate power to discover how to take the superpowers of other evolved humans. The exact mechanism by which Sylar gains these powers is not at present known; however, he believes that Chandra Suresh is correct that the abilities are based in the brain, and several of Sylar's victims have had their skulls opened and brains removed.
Acquired Powers: Sylar has acquired a number of powers. In order: Telekinesis from Brian Davis. (Six Months Ago); Cryokinesis from an unknown victim. (First seen in Don't Look Back); Enhanced memory from Charlie Andrews. (Seven Minutes to Midnight); Liquefaction from Zane Taylor. (Run!); Enhanced hearing from Dale Smither. (Unexpected); Precognition from Isaac Mendez. (.07%); Induced radioactivity from Ted Sprague. (Landslide)
There are some Memorable Quotes from Sylar: "When I was a kid ... I used to wish some stranger would come and tell me my family wasn't really my family. They weren't bad people, they were just ... insignificant. And I wanted to be different. Special. I wanted to change. A new name, a new life. The watchmaker's son ... became a watchmaker. It is so futile. And I wanted to be ... important." - Sylar (to Chandra Suresh) (Six Months Ago)
"That sound in your heart, what is it?" "Murder." - Dale, Sylar (Unexpected)
"This is usually the part when people start screaming." - Sylar (to Isaac) (.07%)
"Mom — Mom, don't. Don't, it's just... maybe I don't have to be special. That's okay to just be a normal watchmaker. Can't you just tell me that's enough?" - Sylar (to Virginia) (The Hard Part)
"You? How are you gonna help? You going to make me some more eggs?!" -Sylar (to Candice) (Kindred)
Recently we are studying "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", so I think its time from my fan-fiction. Here, I would like talk about "Heroes", which is an award-winning internationally-broadcast science-fiction drama. Heroes has won various awards in a number of different categories: (http://heroeswiki.com/Heroes#Awards)
ASCAP Film and Television Music Awards 2007: Top Television Series — Lisa Coleman and Wendy Melvoin;
Eagle Awards 2006: Favorite Comics-Based Movie or TV;
People's Choice Awards 2007: Favorite New Drama;
Saturn Awards 2006: Best Network Television Series;
Best Supporting Actor in a Television Series — Masi Oka: Best Supporting Actress in a Television Series — Hayden Panettiere;
Teen Choice Awards 2007: Choice Breakout Show; Choice Dramatic Actress — Hayden Panettiere;
Television Critics Association 2007: Program of the Year;
TV Land Awards 2007: Future Classic Award — Masi Oka, Leonard Roberts, Noah Gray-Cabey, Zachary Quinto, Santiago Cabrera, Jack Coleman, Tim Kring, Dennis Hammer, Allan Arkush;
Young Artist Awards 2007: Best Performance in a TV Series (Supporting Young Actress) — Hayden Panettiere;
Best Performance in a TV Series (Young Actor Age Ten or Younger) — Noah Gray-Cabey
Heroes is talking about the lives of a series of people who discover they have special abilities. Season one revolves around an attempt to prevent an explosion predicted by Isaac Mendez that destroys New York City. Further complicating issues is a man named Sylar who is killing other people with special abilities and stealing the powers for himself, and a company that kidnaps and tracks evolved humans.
Chapter One — Genesis
Different people around the world discover their abilities while a solar eclipse occurs. A professor, Mohinder, continues his late father's work while avoiding another man who is interested in his work.
Chapter Two — Don't Look Back
Some of the heroes have problems accepting the fact that they are more than human. Hiro sees the future of New York City. Matt, a cop, can hear what people say before they say it, but runs into trouble with his ability. Peter confronts Nathan about what happened in the alleyway.
Chapter Three — One Giant Leap
Hiro and Ando travel to the US. Nathan publicly upsets Peter for political gain. Claire ends up in an uncomfortable situation and Matt encounters a mysterious man with an unknown power. Meanwhile, Mohinder discovers a strange apartment and Niki struggles to take care of Micah.
Chapter Four — Collision
Hiro, Ando, Niki, and Nathan all wind up in Las Vegas. Mohinder meets with Peter, who changes his opinion of his own power. Claire seeks revenge. In the end, a
message comes from the future.
Chapter Five — Hiros
Peter receives a life-changing message; Niki is questioned by police about her fugitive husband's whereabouts; Matt uses his power to better his relationship with his wife; Claire reveals her secret to her father; Hiro runs into trouble in Las Vegas; and Mohinder questions his father's work.
Chapter Six — Better Halves
Before Hiro and Ando head to New York, they misuse Hiro's power. Claire meets her biological parents. Isaac and Peter are contacted by Hiro and relay the message. Mohinder heads back to India to bury his father. Niki's husband returns, and her alter-ego Jessica comes between them.
Chapter Seven — Nothing to Hide
Niki worries when D.L. takes Micah. Matt and Audrey investigate another bizarre murder. Hiro questions his heroism. Nathan and his wife Heidi strategize on the election. Claire is shocked to learn where her missing tape wound up.
Chapter Eight — Seven Minutes to Midnight
While Hiro runs into an issue in a diner, Mohinder struggles with his decision to abandon his fathers work. Mr. Bennet needs Isaac to finish his paintings in order to save his daughter's life.
Chapter Nine — Homecoming
Homecoming is near and Claire is voted Homecoming Queen. Peter heads to Texas to meet with Ando and Hiro to save the cheerleader. Jessica gets ready to have her revenge. Mohinder finds the answers he needs as he solves the mystery behind the mysterious boy, Sanjog Iyer.
Chapter Ten — Six Months Ago
Insight is gained to events that occurred prior to the eclipse. Sylar's beginnings are revealed, as is information about Nathan's accident, and Niki Sanders. Hiro, having traveled back in time to save Charlie, fails, and learns that his powers have limitations.
Chapter Eleven — Fallout
A problem occurs when Mr. Bennet and Eden guard Sylar. Niki makes a difficult decision after Jessica causes problems for D.L. and Micah. Matt and Audrey meet up with Peter Petrelli, and later Claire, regarding the events of homecoming.
Chapter Twelve — Godsend
Nathan worries about Peter and his vision. Niki sees the consequences for her decision, while Claire tries to befriend Zach again. Matt's investigation hits a snag, and Hiro's quest for his sword begins.
Chapter Thirteen — The Fix
Peter meets Claude and asks for his help, while Hiro and Ando are abducted. Niki is offered help in dealing with Jessica, when D.L. comes to terms with raising Micah alone. Matt integrates his power into his personal life, and Claire and Zach try to track down Claire's mother.
Chapter Fourteen — Distractions
Claude helps Peter deal with his distractions, and Claire meets her birth mother. Meanwhile, Hiro faces his father and sister, while Sylar encounters Mrs. Bennet while continuing his quest for Claire's power. Simone and Isaac speculate about their future, and Niki's attempt to control Jessica takes some surprising turns.
Chapter Fifteen — Run!
Matt and Jessica's new jobs bring them together. Mohinder tries to contact evolved humans from the list. Sylar resumes his efforts to collect new powers. As Sandra Bennet's health declines, Claire seeks a connection with her birth parents. Nathan travels to Texas to see Meredith. Hiro and Ando attempt to help a showgirl in Las Vegas.
Chapter Sixteen — Unexpected
Mr. Bennet and The Haitian learn someone they once knew isn't dead. Mohinder and Sylar encounter another evolved human. Matt deals with his decision to take the diamonds. Sandra Bennet's condition forces Claire to confront her father. Hiro tracks down Ando and Hope. With Claude's help, Peter makes a breakthrough. Isaac and Simone come to a conclusion about their relationship.
Chapter Seventeen — Company Man
Ted and Matt confront Mr. Bennet about their abductions. Claire tries to protect her mother and brother. Flashbacks reveal the hierarchy of Mr. Bennet’s company. Claude is punished for disobeying orders. The Haitian conspires to protect the Bennets.
Chapter Eighteen — Parasite
Peter and Isaac each deal with the aftermath of Simone's death. The Haitian's attempt to lead Claire to safety takes an unexpected turn. As Jessica seeks to complete another assignment for Mr. Linderman, Niki begins to assert herself. Hiro's quest for the sword reaches its conclusion. Nathan Petrelli's relationship with Mr. Linderman comes to a head as they meet face-to-face. Mr. Bennet attempts to stay one step ahead of The Company. Mohinder is forced to choose between revenge and research. Sylar and Peter meet a second time.
Chapter Nineteen — .07%
When Mr. Bennet, Matt, and Ted combine their talents to thwart the Company, Matt uncovers an important connection. Mr. Linderman reveals his plans to Nathan Petrelli. Peter and Sylar's fight ends badly for both. Claire learns more about her biological family from her grandmother, and finally meets her biological father. Isaac prepares to face the inevitable. Mohinder seeks help in stopping Sylar. When Jessica defies Linderman, he seeks an alternate means to gain what he wants. In the future, Hiro and Ando begin to search for clues about what went wrong.
Chapter Twenty — Five Years Gone
Hiro and Ando experience the future timeline in which the explosion wasn't stopped. Nathan makes a serious decision with drastic consequences. Constantly on the run, Claire tries to lead a normal life. Hiro learns what he must do to prevent the explosion.
Chapter Twenty-One — The Hard Part
Hiro and Ando attempt to stop Sylar. Sylar returns home to visit his mother. Ted, Matt, and Mr. Bennet continue their journey to New York to disable the Company's tracking system. Mohinder joins Thompson and searches for a cure for Molly Walker. D.L. and Jessica look for Micah. Peter tries to persuade Claire to stay and help him prevent the explosion. When his resolve in Linderman's plan falters, Nathan receives encouragement from a surprising source.
Chapter Twenty-Two — Landslide
Hiro and Ando try to get the sword fixed, and meet someone unexpected. Peter tries to leave New York City with Ted. The people of New York City turn out to vote. D.L. and Jessica continue the search for Micah. Matt and Mr. Bennet find the tracking system. Sylar kills again.
Chapter Twenty-Three — How to Stop an Exploding Man
As Niki and D.L. reunite with Micah, Matt, Mohinder, and Mr. Bennet use Molly to find Sylar. After a flashback dream sequence, Peter understands it is possible to defeat Sylar. When everyone converges on Kirby Plaza for a final showdown; Matt, Niki, Hiro, and Peter battle Sylar, but it is ultimately Nathan who saves the world.
ASCAP Film and Television Music Awards 2007: Top Television Series — Lisa Coleman and Wendy Melvoin;
Eagle Awards 2006: Favorite Comics-Based Movie or TV;
People's Choice Awards 2007: Favorite New Drama;
Saturn Awards 2006: Best Network Television Series;
Best Supporting Actor in a Television Series — Masi Oka: Best Supporting Actress in a Television Series — Hayden Panettiere;
Teen Choice Awards 2007: Choice Breakout Show; Choice Dramatic Actress — Hayden Panettiere;
Television Critics Association 2007: Program of the Year;
TV Land Awards 2007: Future Classic Award — Masi Oka, Leonard Roberts, Noah Gray-Cabey, Zachary Quinto, Santiago Cabrera, Jack Coleman, Tim Kring, Dennis Hammer, Allan Arkush;
Young Artist Awards 2007: Best Performance in a TV Series (Supporting Young Actress) — Hayden Panettiere;
Best Performance in a TV Series (Young Actor Age Ten or Younger) — Noah Gray-Cabey
Heroes is talking about the lives of a series of people who discover they have special abilities. Season one revolves around an attempt to prevent an explosion predicted by Isaac Mendez that destroys New York City. Further complicating issues is a man named Sylar who is killing other people with special abilities and stealing the powers for himself, and a company that kidnaps and tracks evolved humans.
Chapter One — Genesis
Different people around the world discover their abilities while a solar eclipse occurs. A professor, Mohinder, continues his late father's work while avoiding another man who is interested in his work.
Chapter Two — Don't Look Back
Some of the heroes have problems accepting the fact that they are more than human. Hiro sees the future of New York City. Matt, a cop, can hear what people say before they say it, but runs into trouble with his ability. Peter confronts Nathan about what happened in the alleyway.
Chapter Three — One Giant Leap
Hiro and Ando travel to the US. Nathan publicly upsets Peter for political gain. Claire ends up in an uncomfortable situation and Matt encounters a mysterious man with an unknown power. Meanwhile, Mohinder discovers a strange apartment and Niki struggles to take care of Micah.
Chapter Four — Collision
Hiro, Ando, Niki, and Nathan all wind up in Las Vegas. Mohinder meets with Peter, who changes his opinion of his own power. Claire seeks revenge. In the end, a
message comes from the future.
Chapter Five — Hiros
Peter receives a life-changing message; Niki is questioned by police about her fugitive husband's whereabouts; Matt uses his power to better his relationship with his wife; Claire reveals her secret to her father; Hiro runs into trouble in Las Vegas; and Mohinder questions his father's work.
Chapter Six — Better Halves
Before Hiro and Ando head to New York, they misuse Hiro's power. Claire meets her biological parents. Isaac and Peter are contacted by Hiro and relay the message. Mohinder heads back to India to bury his father. Niki's husband returns, and her alter-ego Jessica comes between them.
Chapter Seven — Nothing to Hide
Niki worries when D.L. takes Micah. Matt and Audrey investigate another bizarre murder. Hiro questions his heroism. Nathan and his wife Heidi strategize on the election. Claire is shocked to learn where her missing tape wound up.
Chapter Eight — Seven Minutes to Midnight
While Hiro runs into an issue in a diner, Mohinder struggles with his decision to abandon his fathers work. Mr. Bennet needs Isaac to finish his paintings in order to save his daughter's life.
Chapter Nine — Homecoming
Homecoming is near and Claire is voted Homecoming Queen. Peter heads to Texas to meet with Ando and Hiro to save the cheerleader. Jessica gets ready to have her revenge. Mohinder finds the answers he needs as he solves the mystery behind the mysterious boy, Sanjog Iyer.
Chapter Ten — Six Months Ago
Insight is gained to events that occurred prior to the eclipse. Sylar's beginnings are revealed, as is information about Nathan's accident, and Niki Sanders. Hiro, having traveled back in time to save Charlie, fails, and learns that his powers have limitations.
Chapter Eleven — Fallout
A problem occurs when Mr. Bennet and Eden guard Sylar. Niki makes a difficult decision after Jessica causes problems for D.L. and Micah. Matt and Audrey meet up with Peter Petrelli, and later Claire, regarding the events of homecoming.
Chapter Twelve — Godsend
Nathan worries about Peter and his vision. Niki sees the consequences for her decision, while Claire tries to befriend Zach again. Matt's investigation hits a snag, and Hiro's quest for his sword begins.
Chapter Thirteen — The Fix
Peter meets Claude and asks for his help, while Hiro and Ando are abducted. Niki is offered help in dealing with Jessica, when D.L. comes to terms with raising Micah alone. Matt integrates his power into his personal life, and Claire and Zach try to track down Claire's mother.
Chapter Fourteen — Distractions
Claude helps Peter deal with his distractions, and Claire meets her birth mother. Meanwhile, Hiro faces his father and sister, while Sylar encounters Mrs. Bennet while continuing his quest for Claire's power. Simone and Isaac speculate about their future, and Niki's attempt to control Jessica takes some surprising turns.
Chapter Fifteen — Run!
Matt and Jessica's new jobs bring them together. Mohinder tries to contact evolved humans from the list. Sylar resumes his efforts to collect new powers. As Sandra Bennet's health declines, Claire seeks a connection with her birth parents. Nathan travels to Texas to see Meredith. Hiro and Ando attempt to help a showgirl in Las Vegas.
Chapter Sixteen — Unexpected
Mr. Bennet and The Haitian learn someone they once knew isn't dead. Mohinder and Sylar encounter another evolved human. Matt deals with his decision to take the diamonds. Sandra Bennet's condition forces Claire to confront her father. Hiro tracks down Ando and Hope. With Claude's help, Peter makes a breakthrough. Isaac and Simone come to a conclusion about their relationship.
Chapter Seventeen — Company Man
Ted and Matt confront Mr. Bennet about their abductions. Claire tries to protect her mother and brother. Flashbacks reveal the hierarchy of Mr. Bennet’s company. Claude is punished for disobeying orders. The Haitian conspires to protect the Bennets.
Chapter Eighteen — Parasite
Peter and Isaac each deal with the aftermath of Simone's death. The Haitian's attempt to lead Claire to safety takes an unexpected turn. As Jessica seeks to complete another assignment for Mr. Linderman, Niki begins to assert herself. Hiro's quest for the sword reaches its conclusion. Nathan Petrelli's relationship with Mr. Linderman comes to a head as they meet face-to-face. Mr. Bennet attempts to stay one step ahead of The Company. Mohinder is forced to choose between revenge and research. Sylar and Peter meet a second time.
Chapter Nineteen — .07%
When Mr. Bennet, Matt, and Ted combine their talents to thwart the Company, Matt uncovers an important connection. Mr. Linderman reveals his plans to Nathan Petrelli. Peter and Sylar's fight ends badly for both. Claire learns more about her biological family from her grandmother, and finally meets her biological father. Isaac prepares to face the inevitable. Mohinder seeks help in stopping Sylar. When Jessica defies Linderman, he seeks an alternate means to gain what he wants. In the future, Hiro and Ando begin to search for clues about what went wrong.
Chapter Twenty — Five Years Gone
Hiro and Ando experience the future timeline in which the explosion wasn't stopped. Nathan makes a serious decision with drastic consequences. Constantly on the run, Claire tries to lead a normal life. Hiro learns what he must do to prevent the explosion.
Chapter Twenty-One — The Hard Part
Hiro and Ando attempt to stop Sylar. Sylar returns home to visit his mother. Ted, Matt, and Mr. Bennet continue their journey to New York to disable the Company's tracking system. Mohinder joins Thompson and searches for a cure for Molly Walker. D.L. and Jessica look for Micah. Peter tries to persuade Claire to stay and help him prevent the explosion. When his resolve in Linderman's plan falters, Nathan receives encouragement from a surprising source.
Chapter Twenty-Two — Landslide
Hiro and Ando try to get the sword fixed, and meet someone unexpected. Peter tries to leave New York City with Ted. The people of New York City turn out to vote. D.L. and Jessica continue the search for Micah. Matt and Mr. Bennet find the tracking system. Sylar kills again.
Chapter Twenty-Three — How to Stop an Exploding Man
As Niki and D.L. reunite with Micah, Matt, Mohinder, and Mr. Bennet use Molly to find Sylar. After a flashback dream sequence, Peter understands it is possible to defeat Sylar. When everyone converges on Kirby Plaza for a final showdown; Matt, Niki, Hiro, and Peter battle Sylar, but it is ultimately Nathan who saves the world.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
The Shanghai Club
“Wake up! Wake up Tintin! We are running late!” yelled Snowy. “Hmmm…” Tintin manages to open his heavy eyelids after a late night drinking with his mates at Imperial Hotel Tokyo in Ginza. Tintin got dressed, rushed with Snowy for his part-time English teaching at university. 7,000 Japanese Yen per month in the Great Depression is a big money. Plus the salary for being a Belgian reporter in Japan, Tintin and Snowy were enjoying their comfortable and well-earned lives in Japan where far away from unemployment shot-up Europe.

“Take the honour to die in battle for the Emperor Hirohito” a white stripe with this sentence in red across the top of the gate to university. “My God! Where is the battle?” Tintin murmured. “In Korea, Taiwan or China?”

Tintin met his mates again in the Imperial Hotel on that night. They were all foreigners working and getting well paid in Japan. “I receive a telegraph from Mr Zhou a Chinese friend I met in Paris a few years ago urging me to go to Shanghai,” Tintin said. “Hahaha! Don’t be silly, Tintin. You will miss Sayuri in the elegant kimonos, her beautiful white make-up, her Tachitaka and Jikata.” The American Tom laughed. Tintin nod and agreed.
Shortly after, the male students the university started practising shooting and hand-to-hand combat in the soccer field while the female students were doing the first aid course in the lecture theatre. The teachers were all from the military. “Western technology and Japanese soul” was printed in bold on the notice board. One day Tintin was informed to collect his take-home pay from the university. He lost his teaching job at the university. He decided to pack the trunk left for Shanghai.

The barge which Tintin and snowy in first set sail for Taiwan to pick up bags and bags of rice, then set off for Shanghai. “Tintin, there are many women in this barge going to Shanghai too.” Snowy told Tintin after his evening walk on the third day of the journey. “Really?!” Tintin wondered. On the fourth day, Snowy explored the barge carried lots of condoms on the basement.

After seven days journey in the sea, Tintin and Snowy arrived in Shanghai harbour. The Japanese soldiers stood along the harbour with guns in hands. Tintin and Snowy saw the exhausting Japanese women were pulled in the green Army trucks with Nisshoki (sun) flag in the front. The rice and condoms were moved into the last five trucks. The Japanese trucks carrying their soldiers, women, rice and condoms disappeared from the harbour. The wind blew softly. The air smelled fresh and sweet. It was no longer oily and smelly.

Tintin and Snowy were now in Shanghai, the Paris of the East, the New York of the West. After the refreshment in the Continental Hotel, Tintin and Snowy dressed up and went for their first function at International settlement in the Shanghai Bund. “Tintin, I am feeling at home,” said Snowy. “Me too, Snowy. No more Nihongo!” The colourful European flags waving on top of the various Western style buildings. The names of shops and streets were all in English. Everything here looked so familiar.

They arrived at Shanghai Club where the British counsellor hosted an evening for the residents at International Settlement. “ Good evening Sir!” The British waiter gave them a very warm greeting as they walked in. The magnificent sparling chandeliers were shining up the whole lobby. The golden tall pillars made the lobby look enormous and splendorous. “Good evening Mr Tintin! Welcome to Shanghai! I hope you enjoy your stay in China and let the world know we are waking up this eastern dragon and building him a better tomorrow!” The British counsellor Dawson came to Tintin with a big smiley face. The moustache was dancing up and down happily on his fatty face while he was talking. “We are proud being the largest investor in China. We provide huge amount of loans to the Chinese government, involving in mineral, railway, shipbuilding and military industries. Shanghai has become the centre of international business…” His moustache kept moving up and down when he carried on his talking.

After the function, Snowy asked for a walk in the park. “No Dogs or Chinese Allowed”, a sign was put up at the entrance to the Huangpu Park. Poor Snowy walked away with Tintin depressingly. Neither of them talked on the way back to hotel.

At the reception in the Continental Hotel, Tintin received a letter from Mr Zhou and a parcel with two sets of cotton Chinese costume for Snowy and himself. “There will be a brown rickshaw with a red handkerchief hanging on the handle to pick you up at 8.30 at the hotel entrance.” The letter said.
The next morning, Tintin and Snowing put on the cotton Chinese costumes and were taken to a wooden boat in a small river at the countryside of Shanghai. There he
met Mr Zhou one of the leaders of Chinese communist party. Mr Zhou studied Marxism in France, Britain, Belgian and German where he also became a student organizer in the Communist Revolution.
“Hello Tintin! Welcome to China! How are you, Snowy?” “Glad to see you Zhou. But we had an unpleasant time last night. No Dogs or Chinese Allowed in Huangpu Park” Tintin complained to Zhou angrily. “We know that sign, Tintin. Indeed, our people are treated worse than animals. I am asking a favour from you. I invite you to China to see our suffering and to tell the world the truth.” Mr Zhou talked in a low voice to Tintin seriously. “The imperialist powers are raping our country, Japanese in the north and British together with others in the south. They rob our resources and kill our people. Shanghai is the centre of international opium smuggling. China is in great danger. We are fighting for our freedom and for our country. Tintin, please let the world know the truth and let them know we need support.
Tintin and Snowy then travelled to the north. Bomb frightened, burning hut and hobos were everywhere. They arrived at a Japanese controlled zone. There they saw the women Snowy met in the ship. The women were working in the Comfort Station as ianfu (comfort women). At that night, Snowy sneaked in the Comfort Station and found two strips on each side of the entrance: “EN-POWERE OUR SOLDIER, SERVE OUR EMPIRE BETTER”. Snowy also managed to take a photo of the Comfort Policy:

1. Only Japanese army officer, soldier and army employee with ID card allowed
2. Pay in full before collecting one condom
3. Two Yen per ticket for the soldier or the army employee, Five Yen per ticket for the officer
4. Expires at same day when purchase. No refund when enter comfort room.
5. 30mins in comfort room per ticket
6. No alcohol in comfort room
7. Immediately out of comfort room when finish
8. No condom No sex
Tintin and Snowy took many frighten photos inside the zone: Opium trees were largely growing. Chemical Biomedical weapon industries were busy working, etc.
All the photos Tintin took in China were sent secretly by telegraph to Herge in Belgian for publishing. The photos had also arrived in United Nations. Immediately, the world was shocked, furious and cried. The American volunteered to destroy the all the Japanese military factories on their home island. Chinese people were strengthened with the international support. The Japanese troops in China surrendered.
Tintin and Snowy were on their way home after farewelling Mr Zhou. The ship was crowded with lots people speaking different European languages. “Hello, Mr Dawson!” Tintin and Snowy met the British counsellor on deck with a big surprise. “Hello, Tintin my friend! I am on my way home to London. I am required by the International Military Tribunal for the Far East(IMTFE) to witness to the Tokyo war crimes in China. I am so proud of Chinese people. There will be a party for the old Shanghailanders in the ship tonight to celebrate the Chinese victory. Please do join us.” The humungous ship carried the Europeans leaving China, departing for home where they haven’t returned for long.
“Wake up! Wake up Tintin! We are running late!” yelled Snowy. “Hmmm…” Tintin manages to open his heavy eyelids after a late night drinking with his mates at Imperial Hotel Tokyo in Ginza. Tintin got dressed, rushed with Snowy for his part-time English teaching at university. 7,000 Japanese Yen per month in the Great Depression is a big money. Plus the salary for being a Belgian reporter in Japan, Tintin and Snowy were enjoying their comfortable and well-earned lives in Japan where far away from unemployment shot-up Europe.

“Take the honour to die in battle for the Emperor Hirohito” a white stripe with this sentence in red across the top of the gate to university. “My God! Where is the battle?” Tintin murmured. “In Korea, Taiwan or China?”

Tintin met his mates again in the Imperial Hotel on that night. They were all foreigners working and getting well paid in Japan. “I receive a telegraph from Mr Zhou a Chinese friend I met in Paris a few years ago urging me to go to Shanghai,” Tintin said. “Hahaha! Don’t be silly, Tintin. You will miss Sayuri in the elegant kimonos, her beautiful white make-up, her Tachitaka and Jikata.” The American Tom laughed. Tintin nod and agreed.
Shortly after, the male students the university started practising shooting and hand-to-hand combat in the soccer field while the female students were doing the first aid course in the lecture theatre. The teachers were all from the military. “Western technology and Japanese soul” was printed in bold on the notice board. One day Tintin was informed to collect his take-home pay from the university. He lost his teaching job at the university. He decided to pack the trunk left for Shanghai.

The barge which Tintin and snowy in first set sail for Taiwan to pick up bags and bags of rice, then set off for Shanghai. “Tintin, there are many women in this barge going to Shanghai too.” Snowy told Tintin after his evening walk on the third day of the journey. “Really?!” Tintin wondered. On the fourth day, Snowy explored the barge carried lots of condoms on the basement.

After seven days journey in the sea, Tintin and Snowy arrived in Shanghai harbour. The Japanese soldiers stood along the harbour with guns in hands. Tintin and Snowy saw the exhausting Japanese women were pulled in the green Army trucks with Nisshoki (sun) flag in the front. The rice and condoms were moved into the last five trucks. The Japanese trucks carrying their soldiers, women, rice and condoms disappeared from the harbour. The wind blew softly. The air smelled fresh and sweet. It was no longer oily and smelly.

Tintin and Snowy were now in Shanghai, the Paris of the East, the New York of the West. After the refreshment in the Continental Hotel, Tintin and Snowy dressed up and went for their first function at International settlement in the Shanghai Bund. “Tintin, I am feeling at home,” said Snowy. “Me too, Snowy. No more Nihongo!” The colourful European flags waving on top of the various Western style buildings. The names of shops and streets were all in English. Everything here looked so familiar.

They arrived at Shanghai Club where the British counsellor hosted an evening for the residents at International Settlement. “ Good evening Sir!” The British waiter gave them a very warm greeting as they walked in. The magnificent sparling chandeliers were shining up the whole lobby. The golden tall pillars made the lobby look enormous and splendorous. “Good evening Mr Tintin! Welcome to Shanghai! I hope you enjoy your stay in China and let the world know we are waking up this eastern dragon and building him a better tomorrow!” The British counsellor Dawson came to Tintin with a big smiley face. The moustache was dancing up and down happily on his fatty face while he was talking. “We are proud being the largest investor in China. We provide huge amount of loans to the Chinese government, involving in mineral, railway, shipbuilding and military industries. Shanghai has become the centre of international business…” His moustache kept moving up and down when he carried on his talking.

After the function, Snowy asked for a walk in the park. “No Dogs or Chinese Allowed”, a sign was put up at the entrance to the Huangpu Park. Poor Snowy walked away with Tintin depressingly. Neither of them talked on the way back to hotel.

At the reception in the Continental Hotel, Tintin received a letter from Mr Zhou and a parcel with two sets of cotton Chinese costume for Snowy and himself. “There will be a brown rickshaw with a red handkerchief hanging on the handle to pick you up at 8.30 at the hotel entrance.” The letter said.
The next morning, Tintin and Snowing put on the cotton Chinese costumes and were taken to a wooden boat in a small river at the countryside of Shanghai. There he
met Mr Zhou one of the leaders of Chinese communist party. Mr Zhou studied Marxism in France, Britain, Belgian and German where he also became a student organizer in the Communist Revolution.
“Hello Tintin! Welcome to China! How are you, Snowy?” “Glad to see you Zhou. But we had an unpleasant time last night. No Dogs or Chinese Allowed in Huangpu Park” Tintin complained to Zhou angrily. “We know that sign, Tintin. Indeed, our people are treated worse than animals. I am asking a favour from you. I invite you to China to see our suffering and to tell the world the truth.” Mr Zhou talked in a low voice to Tintin seriously. “The imperialist powers are raping our country, Japanese in the north and British together with others in the south. They rob our resources and kill our people. Shanghai is the centre of international opium smuggling. China is in great danger. We are fighting for our freedom and for our country. Tintin, please let the world know the truth and let them know we need support.
Tintin and Snowy then travelled to the north. Bomb frightened, burning hut and hobos were everywhere. They arrived at a Japanese controlled zone. There they saw the women Snowy met in the ship. The women were working in the Comfort Station as ianfu (comfort women). At that night, Snowy sneaked in the Comfort Station and found two strips on each side of the entrance: “EN-POWERE OUR SOLDIER, SERVE OUR EMPIRE BETTER”. Snowy also managed to take a photo of the Comfort Policy:

1. Only Japanese army officer, soldier and army employee with ID card allowed
2. Pay in full before collecting one condom
3. Two Yen per ticket for the soldier or the army employee, Five Yen per ticket for the officer
4. Expires at same day when purchase. No refund when enter comfort room.
5. 30mins in comfort room per ticket
6. No alcohol in comfort room
7. Immediately out of comfort room when finish
8. No condom No sex
Tintin and Snowy took many frighten photos inside the zone: Opium trees were largely growing. Chemical Biomedical weapon industries were busy working, etc.
All the photos Tintin took in China were sent secretly by telegraph to Herge in Belgian for publishing. The photos had also arrived in United Nations. Immediately, the world was shocked, furious and cried. The American volunteered to destroy the all the Japanese military factories on their home island. Chinese people were strengthened with the international support. The Japanese troops in China surrendered.
Tintin and Snowy were on their way home after farewelling Mr Zhou. The ship was crowded with lots people speaking different European languages. “Hello, Mr Dawson!” Tintin and Snowy met the British counsellor on deck with a big surprise. “Hello, Tintin my friend! I am on my way home to London. I am required by the International Military Tribunal for the Far East(IMTFE) to witness to the Tokyo war crimes in China. I am so proud of Chinese people. There will be a party for the old Shanghailanders in the ship tonight to celebrate the Chinese victory. Please do join us.” The humungous ship carried the Europeans leaving China, departing for home where they haven’t returned for long.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Fanfiction in week 8 (Transformer)

Million years ago, there was a planet called Cybertron in the universe. However, we nearly do not know anything about the life forms in this strange planet. In Cyberton, the life existed in the form of sentient robots which could think and feel, called Transformers. The race of Transformers contains two clans: Autobots and Decepticons. Autobots are led by Optimus Prime and they wished for peaceful co-existence. Conversely, under the command of Megatron, all of the decepticons sought conflict and universal conquest. Their main aim is to rule the whole universe completely. Allspark is a kind of cube which could provide the great power and energy for all of the transformers to survival. Therefore, Autobots and decepticons battled for rule of a supreme power—The Allspark, which bears the life force of transformers. After that the whole Cybertron was destroyed by the war between those who worship power and those Autobots who follow the peace. Afterwards, the abundant resource of allspark would be on the verge of extinct. All of the transformers have started to search for it endlessly. Finally, they decide to go the earth, because of the resource of allspark is definitely there.
Sam is a seventeen years old boy who is studying in a high school. His father promises that he would get his first car if he can get A grade in his oral presentation. One day, Sam is talking about the story of his great grandfather in the front of the classroom. His voice sounds like quite confident, but his facial expression looks like a little bit nervous. He takes a glass very quickly out of his schoolbag and people could hear the quaver in his voice:
“In National Arctic Expedition, 1897s, my great grandfather whose name is Captain Archibald Witwicky, arrived in the Arctic Ocean with his sailors.” In fact, Sam’s presentation doesn’t attract anybody to listen to it carefully. Everyone feels bored, such as Trent would fall asleep, Chris is watching out of window. But only Mikaela, who is the most beautiful girl in the class, seems to listen to his speech all the time. Sam is holding the glasses up and said “This is my great grandfather’s glasses. I definitely can say that his adventure was out of the ordinary.” “And they did found a strange and big ……” Suddenly the belling is ringing; Actually Sam doesn’t finish his oral presentation. However, everybody disappears in a short while.

Sam is walking along the road quite slowly. He probably doesn’t know where to go. “Dad won’t buy a car for me because I only get a B-. I look forward to have a car for quite a long time. Why I always have this bad luck?” Sam talks to himself when he is walking. Sam looks like very upset. In fact, his family is not very rich. Sam can not buy whatever he likes. Actually he has already put his advertisement for selling his great grandfather’s glasses in the internet long times before. “Oh, still no bids. No one wants my great grandfather’s old stuff. Even if he was one of the first guys ever to reach the Arctic Circle. “As Sam walks along the road, he keeps thinking about these unhappy things. The sky becomes dark. Suddenly, Sam feels that there are something still following him. There is a police car are following him when Sam look backward over his shoulder. And this police car suddenly transforms itself into a very huge robot. Sam has never seen this scene before. “My god, People are not gonna believe this police car can transform into a robot. Sam feels so scared and starts to run as fast as he can. And this huge robot comes in the neck of Sam. “Bad dream! Please let me wake up.” Sam shouted at himself while running. Sam tripped and went down with a bump. And this robot speaks to Sam in a deep masculine voice:” I am Barricade. Are you username hotstud 217”? Where is online auction item number 21153? “I- I have no ….idea what you are talking about!” Sam picks himself up and run on. “Where are your Ancestral Artifacts?” Barricade shouts at Sam and following in his wake. Sam keeps running extremely fast and feels thoroughly tired. But he probably heard about two cars crashed together. A yellow Camaro sudden stop beside Sam. “Get in the car quickly!” Sam heard a voice but he doesn’t recognize where it comes from. Nobody else in the car except Sam. Sam found Barricade falls over on the road when he looks backward. “? Can I ask who are you? Sam speaks to the car. “I am the Guardian of Sam Witwicky. My name is Bumblebee. Do you want to make a friend with me?” Sam relaxes himself and say “Oh, yeah. I really need a car.”

“The weather is great for this party. Nice car. Sam! I like it. Even if it’s yellow”. Trent smiles and speaks to Sam. “Yeah, right! Beautiful, but I think it is perfect” Sam’s eyes is constantly looking at Mikaela and his voice sounds like very greed. “Perfect? I don’t think so. Sam! Come and have a drink. Tell me when did you buy this car? “Trent said. Sam and his classmate have a party near the lake, outside tranquility. And Bumblebee and Sam has become close friends. Sam could drive this yellow Camaro everyday. Party has been finished. “Hey! Mikaela? It’s Sam Wtiwicky. I was wondering if you wanted…. A ride, you know? Sam’s voice sounds so nervous. “Well, yeah….. I guess, so, are you like new this year? Mikaela asked. “No. we’ve been at the same school since first grade. The car sudden stopped. “No, no, not now!” Sam speaks to Bumblebee. “Don’t sweat it. Sam! Right? Could just be the distributor cap. Yep, that did the trick. My dad was a serious grease monkey” Mikaela said. “You know the whole distributor thing?” Sam asked. “Yeah. Anyway, thanks for the ride, I think I have to leave now!” Mikaela takes her bag out of the car and leave.
“What’ wrong with you? My friend?” Sam kicks the car while driving. “We have to go to see someone now. I am sure that you will see a great leader whom you never meet before!” Bumblebee’s voice sound confidently. “How great is it? “Sam asked. The sky became dark and dark, Sam and his car gradually disappear in the curtain of night
To be continued
Hi guys! I haven't finish writing the whole draft my fanfiction in week 8. And I know that all of you guys may would like to watch the movie"Transformer". I didn't retell the story in Optimus Prime's viewpoint. Because I changed my mind. I did add some ideas to my fanfiction. And I decided to write a short story of Transformer. Could you please give me some suggestions and comments after you read my word? Thanks a lot!
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